After deploying, I called smartcontract from react app (https://github.com/Unboxed-Software/solana-movie-frontend.git) and I got the error {"code":-32603}.

How to debug where error come from ?

  • could you share the full error logs. Also, when testing the smart contract, are you facing a similar error.
    – Jimii
    Commented May 1 at 9:21

2 Answers 2


Unfortunately that code just means "internal error", which doesn't give too much more info.

Here's the source code for the JSON RPC crate used by Solana's RPC server: https://github.com/apoelstra/rust-jsonrpc/blob/be0758755ca216f9c169ccb747537da97cf4726e/src/error.rs#L160

You'll need to look at any other error info that's provided.


3000 are Account errors in Anchor.

Reference this repo - https://github.com/0xdeepmehta/fuck-anchor/blob/master/src/errors.rs

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