I'm using anchor to build solana program. In account struct, I have multi-dimensional vector.

element: Vec<Vec<MyType>>,

In this case, what is the meaning of (2, 50)?

I want to element to be like this:

element = vec![vec![x,x,...50x], vec![x,x, ...50x]];

In this case, what is the right form of these two?



element: [Vec<MyType>; 2]

In this case, each two vec can contain 50 elements? Totally, element can contain 100 elements?

1 Answer 1


The documentation for max_len says:

For types that have a variable size like String and Vec, it is necessary to indicate the size by the max_len attribute. For nested types, it is necessary to specify a size for each variable type (see example).

Followed by:

    #[max_len(10, 5)]
    pub nested: Vec<Vec<u8>>,

Which goes Vec by Vec, so that would create enough space for 10 vecs with 5 u8s each.

Taken from https://docs.rs/anchor-lang/latest/anchor_lang/derive.InitSpace.html

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