I am attempting to run the HelloWorld Solana program. I started the project with


I ran npm install and then was able to build the rust project. I can see the .so file in the directory /dist/program/helloworld.so. When I try to deploy the program to Solana, I run

solana program deploy dist/program/helloworld.so

And here is the error I get

Error: Dynamic program error: No such file or directory (os error 2)

What else should I try?

  • If you are sure you can view the .so directory, perhaps you could check if your wallet is configured correctly, if not you could try running solana-keygen new to create a new file wallet in your local machine Commented Sep 21, 2022 at 22:24

2 Answers 2


First, use the 

npm run build:program-rust(or any file that contains your rust src)

 command to compile your program to a file with the so file extension. (Run 

solana-keygen new

 to create and save a solana keypair locally.) Set up your localnet with the command (that should now be in your PATH) 


When calling 

solana config get

your "RPC URL" should now equal http://localhost:8899. If not, run 

solana config set --url http://localhost:8899


solana balance

 will show your balance which should NOT be 0. If it is, stop the validators, make sure you have created a key with solana-keygen new and start it again from genesis with solana-test-validator -r. Then, run

solana logs 

to see all the interactions with your local cluster. Use the 

solana program deploy /(your project name)/dist/program/helloworld.so 

to deploy your program to localnet


Assuming solana-test-validator is running

  • cargo build-bpf --manifest-path=./Cargo.toml --bpf-out-dir=dist/program

this will create the output in dist/program

  • solana-keygen new -o ./wallets/Owner.json this will spit an address like "Be4PYPjaKFYsZN847SFBEPm6UNErfRD8qrCZ1rfn6rUw" on terminal

  • solana airdrop 2 Be4PYPjaKFYsZN847SFBEPm6UNErfRD8qrCZ1rfn6rUw

  • solana deploy dist/program/directoryName_program.so - this will spit out this on terminal: "Program Id: 7zkE9MbN4yDybYP9j19kmZjTA855SMh2kFW2C1Pj8EHN"

.so stands for 'shared object'

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