I try to understand what slots are for. ethereum has same term but everything I read about slots are so abstract. From different solana docs, I read those
Solana has 432,000 slots per epoch which amounts to ~2 days. Each epoch has a randomly generated predefined leader schedule that defines which validator is expected to produce a block per slot. A slot can then either contain a block or not (skipped slot).
A slot refers to the period of time in which a slot leader produces ledger entries. The minimum slot time is 400ms. We display the time it took the current leader to ingest transactions and produce a block.
The period of time for which each leader ingests transactions and produces a block. Collectively, slots create a logical clock. Slots are ordered sequentially and non-overlapping, comprising roughly equal real-world time as per PoH.
All those are so abstract. can someone explain what it is used for? What is the logic behind it?