I get a signer privilege escalated error and I suspect that it is because I am incorrectly passing the signers to the executing thread instruction.
Here is roughly how MyContext looks like (including pda initialization):
pub struct MyContext<'info> {
payer = creator,
pub acc: Account<'info, MyAccount>,
pub creator: Signer<'info>,
#[account(signer, address = thread.pubkey())]
pub thread: Account<'info, Thread>,
This is how I invoke the associated MyContext instruction:
const ix = await myProgram.methods
acc: acc,
creator: signer.publicKey,
thread: threadPubkey,
const thread_transaction = await threadProgram.methods
programId: myProgram.programId,
accounts: ix.keys,
data: ix.data,
authority: signer.publicKey,
payer: signer.publicKey,
thread: threadPubkey,
systemProgram: anchor.web3.SystemProgram.programId,
So I am wondering how do I make a thread execute a designated instruction that requires another signer. In this case, both the thread and the creator account?
I can see from the thread_exec.rs source code, that the signer for the thread CPI instruction call is always going to be the thread account, so is it even possible to consider another signer?