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Who owns the private key of delegated Staked Accounts?

I see on account pages that most of them have isOnCurve false, but my delegated staked account has isOnCurve true. Does this mean someone has the private key of this account? Who? Usual ...
Unicornist's user avatar
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What's the best way to listen for epoch updates?

I want to generate a proof from the epoch vote accounts to the Epoch Accounts hash, so I was thinking of listening to epoch updates and then generating a proof. I'm aware that bank has a ...
Harsh Patel's user avatar
5 votes
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How to export all Solana accounts with positive balance?

Given access to Solana validator node and solana command, how to export a list of all account addresses with positive balance (at the latest block)? Preferably in CSV format.
kenorb's user avatar
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