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Can I use anchor address constraint with dynamic value from state

Here is the example of how address constraint is implemented, but the address is CONSTANT I want to be able to change the authority who signs the ...
Nazar Havryliuk's user avatar
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Transaction Error: Signature Verification Failed: Missing Signature For PublicKey

I'm building a transaction on devnet that previously worked when I tested my program. I don't think it's the program itself, but how I am passing down the signatures which is slightly different from ...
Brian M.'s user avatar
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Is there a way to estimate the transaction size?

Currently to get the size of a transaction I have to do the following const tx = new Transaction().add(...) const { blockhash } = await connection.getLatestBlockhash(); tx.recentBlockhash = blockhash; ...
lameren's user avatar
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Who has the right to modify an account and who signs transactions?

I understand that in Solana, an account has an holder, which is the private key to the public key representing the account. An account also has anowner which is the program that is allowed to modify ...
Finlay Weber's user avatar
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"Signature verification failed" error while creating an account

I am trying to create an account but I get an error while creating it. const provider = anchor.AnchorProvider.env(); anchor.setProvider(provider); const newAccountKeypair = anchor.web3.Keypair....
curiosity's user avatar
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