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Questions tagged [delegation]

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How do I use 'solana redelegate-stake' with a Ledger HW?

I created the original stake using SolFlare and my Ledger HW. Now I want to redelegate that stake to a different Vote account. There appears to be a way to do it using the CLI solana redelegate-stake ...
NewSOuL's user avatar
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Active delegates on a SPL token account

I am working on an application where it is required for the backend system to invoke transfer of funds at a later time(By later time, here means when the account owner is not present). Delegation ...
not-available's user avatar
2 votes
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System Program: Withdraw Stake from delegated stake account

I'm struggling with understanding of what's happened in tx 1GQA7ZcU63Wqm5gUUkhCnKa8dwzwK91c5bEPKcUvesgmkbauU5nH865PKXkUhD8s8HmTV1URtDG6WqYN3h9z5ET As I can see, System Program: Withdraw Stake was ...
Gohnny's user avatar
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4 votes
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Authority Delegated SPL token transactions without a program

i want to use authority delegation so a user can delegate his tokens and later a transaction can be created to transfer those tokens. can this be done without a smart contract and can the authority be ...
OverAchiever's user avatar
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Are SPL Token Delegates **Exclusive** Transfer Authorities?

I'm reading the source here: But my Rust is not so fluent right now. Right around here: match ...
Ahkilleux's user avatar
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