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Questions tagged [localnet]

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How to connect a wallet to a dapp while in developement?

I have used npx create-solana-dapp when the app was ready to view i pasted the IP into the browser but I'm not able to connect any wallet... whenever i click on the connect wallet button it show whats ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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How To Reset AnchorUtils.loadEnv() Wrong Keypath From Other Projects

I have in the past been able to compile and deploy these switchboard example projects to devnet: Now when I ...
Jim's user avatar
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solana localnet - Error while upgrading a program loaded at genesis using `solana-test-validator`?

Is it possible to redeploy a program if it was loaded at genesis (specifically on solana-test-validator)? Error while upgrading a program loaded at genesis While doing some testing, I am experiencing ...
nickfrosty's user avatar
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Solana counter example success on localnet but failed on devnet: Attempt to debit an account but found no record of a prior credit

I'm working on Counter example of Solana. Everything works well on localnetwork, but when I try on devnet I got the message Transaction simulation failed: Attempt to debit an account but found no ...
Akkien's user avatar
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How can I disable direct mapping feature gate on local test validator?

I need to test some code that looks like it may work differently on mainnet, which currently does not have the feature gate active.
ngundotra's user avatar
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Solana-test-validator airdrop request if failing due to being rate limited

$ solana config get Config File: C:\Users\.config\solana\cli\config.yml RPC URL: http://localhost:8899 WebSocket URL: ws://localhost:8900/ (computed) Keypair Path: C:\Users\id.json Commitment: ...
Akshat Somvanshi's user avatar
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Getting Error: 429 Too Many Requests on a local validator instance

This question is different than this one or this one as they relate to mainnet. Not sure what is causing it, few days ago I did not have this issue. I did not change my testing set-up, testing ...
mega_creamery's user avatar
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Advance localnet epoch for testing

If we have some program that uses let epoch_now = Clock::get()?.epoch; and we want to write typescript tests around what happens when the epoch advances, is there a way to advance the localnet time or ...
Whiteseal's user avatar
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Why can't I see block 1 on my local validator?

I have solana-test-validator running locally. And from, I can pick 'Custom RPC URL' and see the stats for my local validator. Clicking on the link for the current slot, I ...
mikemaccana's user avatar
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Creating Address Lookup Table in localnet fails with "invalid instruction data" error

As the title says, I'm unable to create an Address Lookup Table in localnet. I'm trying to create it in an anchor test and using the following code (which works in devnet/mainnet): const slot = await ...
meditatingsloth's user avatar
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failed: Invoked an instruction with data that is too large (12884932884 > 10240)'

failed: Invoked an instruction with data that is too large (12884932884 > 10240)' i have this error when i try run test in my anchor program, but this only using local validator when i try using ...
Jesus Silva's user avatar
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Problems to deploy program with Anchor 0.28.0 to localnet

I am upgrading my programs to anchor 0.28.0 but I am not able to deploy anymore. The transactions do not finalize. (devnet works fine) These are my versions: solana --version solana-cli 1.16.0 (src:...
Jonas H.'s user avatar
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