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Unable to catchup for more than 2-3 days with non-voting account-index extended RPC

I try to setup my non-voting account-index extended RPC and it can't catch up for more than 2-3 days. I'm using AWS x2idn.16xlarge which means: 1TB RAM, 64 vCPU, 3 * 1900GBNVMe SSD, 50Gbps network ...
hunsnowboarder's user avatar
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solana_net_utils::ip_echo_server Error

When I setup rpc node, error as follows: and solana.log has not updated other logs. The node started and downloaded the snapshot, and the startup process lasted about 6 hours, after which this error ...
Christ's user avatar
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4 answers

Do I need my own RPC node to use getProgramAccounts or getTokenLargestAccounts?

I need to use both of those methods locally. They seem to require account indexing. Is there any free RPC provider that has it or do I need to run my own node?
ndavd's user avatar
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Sending transaction via QUIC (ConnectionError(TimedOut))

I am developing a Rust application that sends transactions on the Solana blockchain using QUIC. My code works perfectly on the devnet, but when I switch to the mainnet, the transaction sending fails ...
RAprogramm's user avatar
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Does using mainnet-beta rpc have limitations for frontend?

I've tested all the free plans of QuickNode, Alchemy, Helius, and Syndica. They are very slow, and the probability of transaction failure is very high. I don't know if the premium plans offer any ...
Danial Qsk's user avatar
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Deploy solana program on QuickNode?

I am noob! I deployed my program on mainnet-beta but it didn't work and got 403 error. I did some research and found out that I needed to run my program on RPC server and I was referred to Quicknode. ...
Lê Văn Thành's user avatar
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Cant access mainnet-beta (403 forbidden)

I'm trying to get a list of NFTs held by a wallet and display them using metaplex js. The problem is when I try to connect to mainnet-beta, I get a 403 forbidden error. I read that Solana restricts ...
unknown90's user avatar
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on browser mainnet-beta rpc: Error: 403 Access forbidden, but works in python?

I have had a website running a solana web3 app on mainnet for some time now. I went to make some updates and found that nothing loaded, and upon investigating further I found I was just immediately ...
daoplays's user avatar
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429 Too Many Requests for url:

I'm getting: 429 Too Many Requests for url: solana program close --buffers Does anyone know of a solution?
amirs's user avatar
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2 answers

Where can historical transaction data be found? [duplicate]

Hey as the question states we need historical data to produce certain graphs by executing scripts based on historical data, apparently i was under the impression solana devnet and mainnet api serve ...
Nabeel Naveed's user avatar
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How expensive is to run full node on Solana?

In Bitcoin, there are two parties - miners and node runners. While, the miners are running PoW operations, the node runners are only concerned with maintaining the record of the full ledger. Is there ...
CryptoSar's user avatar
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Questions about Mainnet RPC and endpoints [closed]

These questions are coming from someone who is experienced in Bitcoin ecosystem but new to Solana development. From what I understand, connecting to a Solana cluster is similar to connecting to a node ...
CryptoSar's user avatar
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