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Solana Playground - Mainnet-Beta

Hi Community, I'm working on Solana Playground, I'm connecting my Phantom wallet. On devnet it works perfectly, but on mainnet-beta it shows a connection error. I also tried to connect to several ...
Jad's user avatar
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Solana Playground - Mainnet

Please need your help with below questions. -How to connect real phantom wallet and live mainnet on Solana playground online IDE? -Is it possible to connect to verify my contract on Solana playground ...
Jad's user avatar
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Solana mainnet RPC full sync issue

We are syncing a Solana mainnet RPC full node. However, when we check the health status, the gap in the number of blocks behind is fluctuating — sometimes increasing and sometimes decreasing. Do you ...
Dsol's user avatar
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Easiest way to query YTD account balances

I wanted to ask what the easiest way to query daily balances (non native token) of specific addresses on Solana backdating to the beginning of this year. It doesn't look like there are endpoints where ...
Jeffrey Chan's user avatar
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how to find poolkeys using @solana/web3.js on nextjs

currently, i am using this function to get a poolkeys export async function fetchPoolKeysMainnet() { const { data } = await axios.get( "");...
Muhammad Faris's user avatar
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Blowfish flagging my newly deploy program transactions [duplicate]

Im a new Solana dev that has been developing a Telegram game built on Solana for the past 11 months. I recently migrated all my infrastructure from Devnet, where everything worked perfectly, to ...
RNG_Gaming_Solana's user avatar
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Unable to catchup for more than 2-3 days with non-voting account-index extended RPC

I try to setup my non-voting account-index extended RPC and it can't catch up for more than 2-3 days. I'm using AWS x2idn.16xlarge which means: 1TB RAM, 64 vCPU, 3 * 1900GBNVMe SSD, 50Gbps network ...
hunsnowboarder's user avatar
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When will "beta" be dropped from "mainnet-beta"?

Is there a formal or informal milestone at which point we are no longer in beta? Who gets to decide?
Lostin's user avatar
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How to pull all blocks from the genesis block to the local?

Now I need to do traceability business, I need pull all blocks from the genesis block to the local. May I ask if I need to build a validator node? If so, what params should I add? right now I reserved ...
cat lion's user avatar
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My Solana Rpc Node gets behind syncing

I have bought a ovhcloud server and setup node here. System specs are : CPU: 2× AMD Epyc 9354 - 32c/64t - 3.25 GHz/3.8 GHz RAM: 768 GB ECC 4800 MHz System: disks 2×960 GB SSD NVMe Soft RAID Data ...
Wonder Gardner's user avatar
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solana_net_utils::ip_echo_server Error

When I setup rpc node, error as follows: and solana.log has not updated other logs. The node started and downloaded the snapshot, and the startup process lasted about 6 hours, after which this error ...
Christ's user avatar
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Do I need my own RPC node to use getProgramAccounts or getTokenLargestAccounts?

I need to use both of those methods locally. They seem to require account indexing. Is there any free RPC provider that has it or do I need to run my own node?
ndavd's user avatar
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Why is it impossible to deploy a program to mainnet?

Just want to preface this by saying that I never have joined a stack exchange in my 10+ years of engineering to get a question answered. I’ve already combed through all the posts on here regarding ...
Fucksolana's user avatar
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I wish to code swap features into a telegram wallet. Should I use spl-token-swap AMM

I'm fairly new to solana, and want to get my feet wet. I have a telegram bot which does the very basics: send, receive and show balance and want to add swap functionality. I had looked at working with ...
David Pawlak's user avatar
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Is the stateless-ask program deployed on mainnet somewhere?

Has someone or some organization deployed the stateless ask program on mainnet somewhere?
spirobel's user avatar
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Sending transaction via QUIC (ConnectionError(TimedOut))

I am developing a Rust application that sends transactions on the Solana blockchain using QUIC. My code works perfectly on the devnet, but when I switch to the mainnet, the transaction sending fails ...
RAprogramm's user avatar
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how to make getSignaturebyAddress & getParsedTransactions on Solana ? More efficient and quick?

Currently, I am getting the signature from solana with an delay of 10/5 seconds to avoid 429 errors and then using those signatures to fetch the transactions using quicknode free tier and previously ...
Anshul Vij's user avatar
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Error: Unknown https cluster: mainnet

Hello im trying to make a bot that gets token metadata for the latest minted tokens on the solana blockchain. However whenever I run it I keep getting this error Error: Unknown https cluster: mainnet ...
Golden's user avatar
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Unable to deploy program to mainnet using solana cli `1.17.31`

I tried to deploy my program to mainnet but i keep getting the following error. Error: Error processing Instruction 3: invalid account data for instruction i have allocated twice the size of program ...
Dhruv D Jain's user avatar
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Deployment Error on Solana Mainnet: Max Retries Exceeded [duplicate]

I've been successfully deploying my Anchor project on Solana's development and testnet environments. However, when attempting deployment on the mainnet, I consistently encounter the following error: &...
Blocky Man's user avatar
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Blockhash expired causing "program deploy" failed on mainnet

The program deployment requires sending around 90 transactions (based on the cli prompt). The same deployment works fine on devnet (very fast, a few seconds). Blockhash expired. 4 retries remaining ...
Shawn's user avatar
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Making a token on the mainnet; A few questions before I hit enter on the mint command(CLI)

This is that command; spl-token --program-id TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCX(censored) create-token --transfer-fee 300 300000 --decimals 10 --enable-metadata --enable-group --metadata-address ...
Keola's user avatar
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changed config from devnet to mainnet, how to I migrate my tokens so I see hem when checking spl-token accounts?(2 question btw)

(Question 1) before I did this; (so i could change metadata) I'd see my 80 mil tokens in the account made for the new minted token, now when I use spl-token accounts I just get spl-token accounts ...
Keola's user avatar
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Does using mainnet-beta rpc have limitations for frontend?

I've tested all the free plans of QuickNode, Alchemy, Helius, and Syndica. They are very slow, and the probability of transaction failure is very high. I don't know if the premium plans offer any ...
Danial Qsk's user avatar
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How do i get manual about

I need manual about "". do you have any manual about ""? My email is [email protected] please send me. ...
블루검객's user avatar
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What token extensions are live on mainnet?

We are planning on using various 2022 token extensions for our project, having spoken with a few other Solana developers, it seems that not all token extensions are currently working on mainnet. Is ...
Kraz's user avatar
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Why is mainnet-beta program deploy taking so much time?

Why is mainnet-beta program deploy taking so much time? It took 6 hours to complete 1.0% of the whole process I use solana-cli version: 1.18.3 anchor version: anchor-cli 0.29.0 solana cluster-version :...
Minato Tanaka's user avatar
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How to deploy on mainnet using anchor?

Can someone who lately successfully deployed program to mainnet say what versions of solana-cli, anchor-cli,... did you use? When I try to deploy, it takes ages (on devnet its in 1 minute done) and in ...
Peta ng's user avatar
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How can I get neighbors of a node?

I want to create the graph of Solana nodes for my own research. Is there any way that I can get the neighbors of a node in the network?
Sajjad Alizadeh's user avatar
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Get latest Solana token transfers

I need to get the latest transactions that have Solana token transfers. For this I tried out the blockSubscribe WSS method but it seems to be throwing errors. I am using Alchemy WSS on the mainnet for ...
Zero's user avatar
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authorizing wallet [closed]

i have an smart contract that want to create pda for it. i did this on devnet and testnet without problem. but on mainnet it response me "403 error" and say "authorize your wallet on ...
Amirhosein Zarei's user avatar
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Faster method to retrieve pool keys [Raydium]

Currently I am downloading the whole json file from here and save it into json file, then get the pool info. Code given below for further ...
kokiez's user avatar
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Cannot deploy program on mainnet for two weeks

I use solana command tool to deploy program on mainnet and always got failed. I have try for two weeks. I try 1.14.X, 1.16.X and 1.17.X. But got failed. tangaoyuan@tangaoyuandeMacBook-Pro program % ...
user6717's user avatar
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Up-to-date documentation on how to create metadata for fungible token program?

We are trying to deploy our token (AIDS) on mainnet: . When we are trying to create metadata for this token, we cannot ...
Andrei Tintari's user avatar
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Mainnet node lags behind after migration to v1.16.17

We are running a solana node since around April 2023. It was running fine since that time except some minor issues. But it looks like since the migration to the v1.16.17 it’s very difficult to make it ...
Bastien Giegel's user avatar
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Token deploy on mainnet, create metadata custom program error: 0x4b

We are trying to deploy our token (AIDS) on mainnet: . When we are trying to create metadata for this token, we call ...
Andrei Tintari's user avatar
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What was the solana mainnet launch model?

Just a qq about how the chain got started in 2020. What was the launch model? i.e. at genesis was there a small group of trusted validators from the community/devs/investors who ran validators and ...
yeehaa's user avatar
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Is it possible for an anchor smart contract to detect which network it is running on

I'm trying to avoid having to make code changes when I move from testing on localnet to devnet and then mainnet. One of my account constraints checks the mint for the associated token account, which ...
Davie Clark's user avatar
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What is the current blocker on the ExtendProgram feature in mainnet?

I noticed that extending program buffers has gotten pretty far towards adoption, but the feature is still not on for mainnet-beta: 8Zs9W7D9MpSEtUWSQdGniZk2cNmV22y6FLJwCx53asme | inactive ...
Stanisław Drozd's user avatar
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Alchemy endpoint gives wrong wallet balance

I am doing unit tests and I notice that my alchemy endpoint lags behind mainnet-beta in several situations. Sometimes it doesn't get a websocket account update, but the worst obvious case is after ...
mehh's user avatar
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Is it possible to change nft metadata on solana mainnet?

I've already coded to change NFT metadata(like name, description...) in Solana devnet using candy machine v2. But I'm not sure this really works in Solana mainnet. Anyone who knows about this, please ...
Fable Frog's user avatar
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Deploy solana program on QuickNode?

I am noob! I deployed my program on mainnet-beta but it didn't work and got 403 error. I did some research and found out that I needed to run my program on RPC server and I was referred to Quicknode. ...
Lê Văn Thành's user avatar
3 votes
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Deploy regular solana (not anchor) on mainnet

I'm looking to deploy a regular solana program written in Rust (not anchor) on mainnet. For some reason I can't rewrite it using anchor solana. I have searched online and all failed. Does anyone know ...
Lê Văn Thành's user avatar
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Cant access mainnet-beta (403 forbidden)

I'm trying to get a list of NFTs held by a wallet and display them using metaplex js. The problem is when I try to connect to mainnet-beta, I get a 403 forbidden error. I read that Solana restricts ...
unknown90's user avatar
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Custom program error 0xbbf, given account is owned by a different program than expected

I was developing without issue on devnet and then decided to deploy to mainnet. Suddenly the same instruction that used to work on devnet gave rise to the following on mainnet Error: failed to send ...
Burger Bob's user avatar
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Has mainnet websocket address support been discontinued?

"ws://" Are you no longer supporting this address? Thanks
figs's user avatar
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trying to create a token on mainnet-beta. constantly getting this error

HTTP status client error (429 Too Many Requests) for url ( What should I do to create a token?
sol-developer's user avatar
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on browser mainnet-beta rpc: Error: 403 Access forbidden, but works in python?

I have had a website running a solana web3 app on mainnet for some time now. I went to make some updates and found that nothing loaded, and upon investigating further I found I was just immediately ...
daoplays's user avatar
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How to Launch SPL Token on Solana Mainnet

As far as I knew the use created SPL token was added to the Solana production by adding to the token-list file under GitHub i.e However, it's deprecated now. ...
Souvagya's user avatar
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429 Too Many Requests for url:

I'm getting: 429 Too Many Requests for url: solana program close --buffers Does anyone know of a solution?
amirs's user avatar
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