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Websocket version of getProgramAccounts

Is there a WebSocket version of getProgramAccounts that allows me to fetch PDAs with supplied seeds?
kekti's user avatar
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Get AccountInfo from ProgramId, or invoke program method using ProgramID

If I've programId (Pubkey) of a program, is it possible to get AccountInfo (or Program) object somehow? Or conversely, is it possible to somehow invoke a (view) method on program if its programId is ...
Sarfaraz Nawaz's user avatar
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Question about solana programs

Why is it recommended that solana programs check the validity of any account it reads, but does not modify?
Mehmet Ayd's user avatar
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My sol stuck in prgram. How can I close program and recover it?

I was deploying program and by mistake I missed the keyword program and just typed solana deploy <PROGRAM_FILEPATH> which return the below program Id and there is no upgradeable authority. Now ...
Abdul Maajid's user avatar