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Questions tagged [smart-contract]

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anchor_lang::Owner` is not implemented for `anchor_spl::token_interface::Mint

use anchor_lang::prelude::*; use anchor_spl::token::Token; use anchor_spl::token_interface::Mint; declare_id!("FtUL5xL7oZasB5zaDUETbeHs9jcf9gopQD3Z1V92YyKv"); pub mod constants { pub ...
Karan Sacher's user avatar
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How can I know the mint address of NFT of candy machine?

I am preparing a project of NFT. I am going to give rewards to owner of my NFTs so I need to make smart contract for that. But my NFTs are in Candy Machine so it has not minted yet. How can I know the ...
John Smith's user avatar