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Questions tagged [smart-contract]

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13 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Introducing typified addresses to avoid sending funds to void

I have sent SOL to a contract address by mistake thinking that I was buying the token, that caused me to loss all the SOL. After few days of investigation I end up to know that this did happen to many ...
Bruno Lopes's user avatar
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anchor-spl v0.30.1 solana-spl 1.18.17 error[E0308]: mismatched types

I'm building solana smart contract with anchor. anchor version is 0.30.1 solana-cli version is 1.18.17 first time, I built and deploy smart contract without any issue. But after I add this two lines, ...
Rex Dev's user avatar
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Solana Smart contract automatic audit tool

I used soteria before to audit solana programs. But it was not updated and does not support latest anchor versions. If anyone knows automatic audit tool, hope to share your experience and knowledge ...
0xbear's user avatar
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How can I know the mint address of NFT of candy machine?

I am preparing a project of NFT. I am going to give rewards to owner of my NFTs so I need to make smart contract for that. But my NFTs are in Candy Machine so it has not minted yet. How can I know the ...
John Smith's user avatar
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What’s the best way to ensure player hand privacy in a Solana card game DApp?

I'm working on a Solana DApp for a card game where protecting player hand privacy is essential. I've come across Multi-Party Computation (MPC) and Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) as potential solutions. ...
Hatsuseno Arufa's user avatar
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how calculate the discriminator by the struct to resolve the command in the anchor project?

i got the discriminator by the command : anchor build. but i wonder how can i got this discriminator without the command. i search the source code and it use ${namespace}:${context} and hash-sha256. ...
user25616's user avatar
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Make build fail due to typedef redefinition with different types

I was trying build this example I was trying build it using make and i am facing this error error: typedef redefinition ...
Saksham jain's user avatar
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Sudenly Error "Already Initialized" when invoke Mint New Edition from Master Edition Via Token in cpi mpl token metadata

im try to create nft with print from master edition, previously my contract its working for 3months, but now I often encounter this error sudenly, this error say "Already initialized" when ...
Alfian Dwi Nugraha's user avatar
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ambiguity inside solana's GetAccountInfo rpc

I'm confused while using rpc getAccountInfo because the value of the answer will always be null when the Solana balance is 0. This happens even when the address is new and the account has multiple ...
Andrea Hinata's user avatar
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I cant use my sol in my wallet

There’s a smart contract in the wallet to send any funds out of the wallet , I asked a different dev to do it for me because the wallet was compromised , what I can do boys? I cant send my sol it's ...
dad's user avatar
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Can't deploy a smart contract: cli 'solana program show --programs' returns nulls

For those who've been following this, I been dealing with ISSUES trying to make a solana-token ICO widget, basically I finally got around both the, error: package `solana-program v1.18.2` cannot be ...
Keola's user avatar
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What does isMutable : 0/1 mean?

I always see this on solana smart contract's Metadata & I know for a fact that 0 means FALSE, and 1 is TRUE as i've researched regarding this question, the owner can alter changes/settings if its ...
Lupus7's user avatar
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Is this possible or ChatGPT is telling me rubbish

Ability to mint after mint authority is gone. Design the Emergency Minting Logic: Define the conditions under which emergency minting should be triggered. This could include scenarios such as the burn ...
Noob Dev's user avatar