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How to resolve error code":-32010,"message":"2UR.... excluded from account secondary indexes; this RPC method unavailable for key

I have set up a Solana full node with a configuration of 1TB memory for eypc 64 core. At the same time, I also opened the account index program id spl token mint spl token owner But when using ...
user29125's user avatar
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Adding Set Authority Feature To SPL Token Creator

Recently our team completed a token launcher platform for EVM tokens, now we want to create a another platform for creating SPL tokens. I'm not very familiar with Solana, but I've found some starting ...
DeFiDevJimmy's user avatar
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How to identify liquidity pool burns in Sol Incinerator and determine authority in Solana?

When a liquidity pool is burned in Sol Incinerator on Solana, will the associated token always have Raydium as the authority? Additionally, how can I filter transactions to specifically identify when ...
David's user avatar
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Confidential Transfer Solana Setup script failing

I am trying to understand Solana Confidential Transfers, so I ran this script from the official Solana repository for a simple demonstration
0xSOL's user avatar
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Token Creation Issue on DevNet

I am trying to create a token after setting my wallet using the following command. solana-keygen grind --starts-with ott:1 The wallet creation is successful. I have also configured the connection to ...
Gokul Alex's user avatar
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Filtering all transaction of a particular mint address

Filtering all transaction of a particular mint address, getSignaturesForAddress functions returns transactions, but still some of the transaction are missing in the returned list. Like actual number ...
ashish0411's user avatar
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How to filter most recently created pdas of a program

How to filter most recently created pdas of a program, How should date be store in pda data so that we can directly filter based on the data stored in pda. For ex. filtering all pda of a program ...
ashish0411's user avatar
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Transfer SPL Token only using Plain HTML and JS

I want to ask, is it actually possible to make transactions using only HTML and JS without using a framework? I am currently trying to transfer an SPL token, but I am always getting stuck using only ...
mb-1208's user avatar
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Solana SPL token holder count

I'm trying to find an efficient way to get the total token holders of an SPL token. For ETH ERC-20 tokens I use Etherscan API, this returns me an integer of the total holders of the token address used ...
Timmy12321's user avatar
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Transfer_hook in spl-2022: Only deduct tax from swap transaction

Is there a way to modify the transfer_hook in order to deduct tax fee in $SOL from swap transaction only? I know there is transfer-hook supported that, but dont know how I check program address of ...
Jade's user avatar
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How to test spl-2022 token on devnet

How to test spl-2022 token on devnet, Is there any dex which provides creating and managing lp pool on devnet for 2022 standard?
ashish0411's user avatar
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How to programatically swap spl tokens to sol

How to programatically swap spl tokens to sol, assuming there is liquidity pool (token/sol) created on flux beam. is there any standard interface to do it.
ashish0411's user avatar
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Trying to deploy A solana SPL token With A Max Wallet

I have been searching for hours and hours and days but i cannot find a way to deploy a spl token with a max wallet for each user such as , a wallet can buy only 2% of the supply , not more , is there ...
Daily1 Motivation's user avatar
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How to get the price of an spl token relative to solana?

The thing is that I need to calculate the price of a tokan in sol or in usd. I would use one of the publicly available APIs, such as birdeye or jupiter, but they do not display the price of tokens ...
Skull's user avatar
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Mint Token as a PDA via SPL

I'm converting my custom SPL token anchor program from using mint token as a newly generated anchor keypair, to using a PDA instead. It seems that SPL can take either a keypair or PDA for the mint ...
AceGravity's user avatar
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Is this a standard SPL token?

I'm looking to deploy a new SPL token, hopefully with more custom features. This was some code I scraped together for a standard SPL fungible token. Do you see any issues with it? I'm doubting myself ...
AceGravity's user avatar
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Making existing token immutable

How can I change an existing token I created from mutable to immutable? I want to change this on an SPL token would appreciate any help!
Tony's user avatar
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Block tokens on someone else's address

I'm looking for a way to block tokens created on the Solana blockchain. Ideally I would like to do this using Python. Please provide code samples. Situation: I need to block an account that has my ...
Atr118's user avatar
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How to transfer large number of SPL tokens?

pub fn transfer<'info>(ctx: CpiContext<'_, '_, '_, 'info, Transfer<'info>>, amount: u64) -> Result<()> The above code is the method defenition used in rust to transfer SPL ...
Aravind Makam's user avatar
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How can I freeze only some tokens in an account?

The SPL token program has support for a freeze/thaw authority where the authority can block any transaction involving a given account. How can I lock only some tokens in an account? E.g. a token ...
lameren's user avatar
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SPL TOKEN recognized as NFT instead of a regular token

I created a spl-token using strata protocol and it is being recognized as NFT on my wallet, even on solscan it is not showing similar to any other token. I found that maybe i would need to pull a ...
loa's user avatar
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Why is AssociatedToken Program not needed when using associated_token constraint in anchor?

I wrote a piece of code that uses associated_token::mint and associated_token::authority and I passed the Token Program but did not pass the Associated Token Program. Considering All Accounts must be ...
chinepun.sol's user avatar
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Trying to send specific SPL Token but creates new token instead

I'm trying to send a SPL Token but when I execute the code below it creates an unknown token and sends it, It does not recognize the token address / programID. Where should I pass the token address? ...
korimusk's user avatar
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Get Solana SPL Address from base 58 string

Hi I have a base58 string for an SPL token address (called a mint in the Solana docs); This is how I generated this string: const mint = await createMint( connection, payer, ...
colinwink's user avatar