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Questions tagged [liquiditypool]

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Cannot find name "Transaction" when using priority fees to close position on Raydium CLMM pool

I'm trying to close a position on a clmm pool with priority fees, but I keep running into an issue - "Cannot find name "Transaction"". The script uses the Raydium SDK. I believe it ...
Mikey's user avatar
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AMM vs CLMM constant product?

From what I've researched and understood, AMM uses constant product curve for price. Does CLMM also use constant product formula within ticks (each tick seperately), the only difference is that the ...
nicholas__'s user avatar
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How can I add priority fees to a CLMM close position script?

how can I add priority fees to the following script? From what I understand, I need to create the priority fee instructions and add them to the transaction, but I can't get it to work. The following ...
Mikey's user avatar
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Raydium SDK v2 showing no liquidity in clmm position when there is liquidity

Using Raydium's SDK v2, I opened a clmm liquidity pool position. I'm running into an issue when trying to close the position using closePosition.ts. It keeps failing. It still produced a tx id, which ...
Mikey's user avatar
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Error when fetching pool keys from Raydium: “a bytes-like object is required, not ‘solders.account_decoder.ParsedAccount’”

I’m working with a public GitHub repo (you can find it here: that interacts with the Raydium decentralized exchange using Python. I’m trying to fetch ...
Christopherus's user avatar
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Program instruction for starting a raydium LP migration from

does anyone know the program instruction for when starts the migration to the raydium pool? I know when its complete the instruction is initialize2 But does anyone know when it first ...
Mau Lucky Cat's user avatar
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Liquidity.fetchAllPoolKeys returning TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toBase58')

I wanted to fetch all Liquidity pools on Raydium using the const { Liquidity } = require('@raydium-io/raydium-sdk'); with const pools = await Liquidity.fetchAllPoolKeys(this.connection, { '4': ...
Lukas Karer's user avatar
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Getting the bonding curve progrress percentage

I am trying to get the information of a token, and I want to get the bonding curve progress percentage. but I don't know how to calculate it, is there any API to get the bonding curve ...
Hasan Bilal's user avatar
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How can I track transactions on a given pool's Raydium?

My project requires tracking transactions of a given pool on Raydium. (Solana Network). Specifically, fields such as token broadcasts, timestamp, type (purchase, sale) are needed I tried through ...
Magomed's user avatar
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Can you explain How memecoin liquidity is calculated

I started a youtube channel for solana memecoins, and want to cover how liqudity is calculated, for example if there is a memecoin with 1 billion supply 1 million market cap and $100,000 in liquidity, ...
AndreDefiant's user avatar
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OpenBook or Liquidity Pool

I'm trying to create a Liquidity pool for my token Progragmatically using the Raydium sdk v2. But i'm a bit confused because most articles online say you first need to create an OpenBook marketID ...
gRecent Hub's user avatar
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How to Fetch Pool Keys in Solana After Detecting Pool Creation Signature?

I'm working on a Solana project where I need to track liquidity pool creation events triggered by specific programs. I’m able to detect these events by monitoring logs and looking for a unique "...
David's user avatar
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Trouble Tracking Raydium Pool Changes for External Accounts with onProgramAccountChange

I'm setting up a listener to track changes in Raydium pools using onProgramAccountChange on Solana. My goal is to detect when certain external accounts interact with or initialize Raydium liquidity ...
David's user avatar
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Decimal precision error for token in phantom

I am creating a dApp, which swaps tokens from a liquidity pool( X token and SOL), the problem is with the X token, whenever I enter the amount e.g. 1000, I apply decimal precision. i.e 1000 * ...
Parth's user avatar
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Cannot create pool in meteora mainnet using mercurial-dynamic-amm-sdk

I am trying to create a pool in meteora mainnet using the createPermissionlessConstantProductPoolWithConfig but I am getting a Invalid authority to create the pool. But when I tried create pool with ...
Abhiram TS's user avatar
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How can i deserialize the data from this raydium liquidity pool in rust?

Can someone help me deserialize the data in this raydium liquidity pool, i think it's a standard one. "AgFnRLUScRD2E4nWQxW73hdbSN7eKEUb2jHX7tx9YTYc" I dont find the PoolState to deserialize ...
user17459's user avatar
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How to create, add and remove liquidity using @raydium-io/raydium-sdk-v2?

I’m currently working with @raydium-io/raydium-sdk-v2 and trying to figure out how to create, add, and remove liquidity on the Raydium platform. Could anyone provide a code example or a step-by-step ...
SanSan's user avatar
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How to fetch token balances from liquidity pool reserve accounts in Solana TokenSwap?

I am currently working on a Solana TokenSwap program and need help understanding how to calculate how much of each token to take away from the pool accounts during liquidity provisioning. Here is the ...
jpepesi's user avatar
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how can I get the liquidity json for the testnet?

This URL returns the infos of the mainnet How do I get the infos for testnet / devnet?
Klaus Kobald's user avatar
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how to find poolkeys using @solana/web3.js on nextjs

currently, i am using this function to get a poolkeys export async function fetchPoolKeysMainnet() { const { data } = await axios.get( "");...
Muhammad Faris's user avatar
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Why am I getting "Error: The provided token program does not match the token program expected by the swap" in my Solana Token Swap?

I am working on a Solana Token Swap program, and I keep encountering the following error during the swap operation: Program SwapsVeCiPHMUAtzQWZw7RjsKjgCjhwU55QGu4U1Szw invoke [1] Program log: ...
jpepesi's user avatar
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How to create liquidity lock on solana meme coin which is on raydium liquidity pool

I am new to solana development so need the help on locking the liquidity on solana meme coin project. We have created a solana meme coin and added the liquidity to it on raydium. Liquidity on this ...
Parmod kamobj's user avatar
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*ctx.bumps.get("pool") Giving Error

I am trying to create a simpleswap contract. My code is: #[program] pub mod solana_swap { use super::*; pub fn initialize_pool(ctx: Context<InitializePool>) -> Result<()>...
zubayr khalid's user avatar
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How to get program account of a token without knowing its program id?

I want to fetch a token's program account but I don't know the program id. I only have the token mint address. Is it possible to get it? Thanks in advance. Here is an example. It fetches the program ...
s.khan's user avatar
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Loaded Addresses

Calling getTransaction method we potentially could have loaded Addresses whats the point in this if we still need to fetch address table lookup?
silverhand2304's user avatar
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Determine token liquidity lock

I'm tring to determine if a meme coin have this liquidity lock or unlock but i'm struggling. I would like to use python and the rpc ? Someone have an idea ?
vince_crypto's user avatar
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How to Swap reverse order of the Raydium poolkeys?

I listen new pools on Raydium. As you might know most of the pools come with the token becoming base and sol becoming quote. In my script I also retrieve poolkeys in the same order. I want to swap sol ...
Hayri Bahri's user avatar
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Excess amount of SOL being expended from wallet when I swap with Raydium or deposit liquidity into Raydium

This may be a problem that can occur with other Solana programs, but I digress. Whenever I attempt to swap with Raydium, it would appear as if I'm losing more SOL than I should. For example, I might ...
Code man's user avatar
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Transactions for providing liquidity to Raydium pools consistently failing

I recently began to deposit tokens into liquidity pools on the Raydium decentralized exchange, which initially succeeded with minimal issues, but today I was not able to deposit any further liquidity. ...
Code man's user avatar
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Is there any faster way to getPoolKeys from Solana Raydium?

Currently, I am fetching all liquidity-related data from Raydium API. ( And then matching with my desired token address to filter the right ...
Shahria Emon's user avatar
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How to identify liquidity add/remove instructions in Raydium and OpenBook AMM transactions?

Question: I'm working on a project to parse transactions on Solana, specifically to identify addLiquidity and removeLiquidity instructions for Raydium and OpenBook. Here is the code I am using: import ...
SDN's user avatar
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question about parse liquidiity

When we use the getParsedAccountInfo method to parse a pool ID, we usually use LIQUIDITY_STATE_LAYOUT_V4 to decode the results. In the final parsed data, what does each field mean? need your help,...
Mo Feng's user avatar
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How to create meme coin with some conditions on solana without cli

I want to create a meme coin on solana without cli and wanna use a smart contract to develop the meme coin and implement some conditions for example , no one can own more than 1% of the liquidity pool ...
Mohammad Abuzar's user avatar
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getProgramAccounts return always empty

i'm trying to use GetProgramAccounts in python to recover data pool but my programm always return empty. At the begenning I had tried to use filer , but as it didn't work , I took the decision to use ...
vince_crypto's user avatar
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What is the best PROGRAM_ID for creating Liquidity pool on Raydium in Devnet?

I'm trying to create Liquidity pool on Raydium in Devnet. But transaction always failes. With errorr: Unknown Program (HWy1jotHpo6UqeQxx49dpYYdQB8wj9Qk9MdxwjLvDHB8) It is realy to create liquidity ...
nyslxj's user avatar
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I can't create liquidity pool on Raydium (JS)

I'm trying to create liquidity pool by Raydium(in JS @raydium-io/raydium-sdk) But always Creating pool Transcation is failed for example:
nyslxj's user avatar
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How to derive the pool address on Raydium from two tokens (one being WSOL)?

I am coding in Python and I need to get derive the pool address of a token without using jupiter api. Any help is appreciated.
Tugay's user avatar
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How can I programmatically get information about the status of the Bonding Curve token on and its price?

How can I programmatically get this data? I see this data on the site and I've also seen some queries on, but there's no query on how to retrieve this data. Please help
Andrew Swift's user avatar
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How to identify liquidity pool burns in Sol Incinerator and determine authority in Solana?

When a liquidity pool is burned in Sol Incinerator on Solana, will the associated token always have Raydium as the authority? Additionally, how can I filter transactions to specifically identify when ...
David's user avatar
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Why newly created pool id is not in

Why newly created pool id is not in
Mudaser's user avatar
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Failed create CLMM using Token 2022 - Raydium Concentrated Liquidity: OpenPositionV2 (Program Error: "null")

I will add liquidity from the tokens I built in token 2022 using CLMM according to this question How to create a Liquidity pool for a token 2022 token After I entered “Confirm Deposit” and the gas fee ...
anggyferdiawan's user avatar
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How to get the pool balance and pool token balance in past epoch

Is there a way to read pool balance and pool token balance in past epoch?(for given pool public key)
Kaveen Laksitha's user avatar
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Unlocking a locked liquidity pool?

After launching a failed meme token over week ago I have money locked up in my liquidity pool that is doing nothing. I have no or very few low level holders of the token and the amount locked into the ...
John's user avatar
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is mev bot by jito labs still working I found some wallets run this bot, if it is not working are there any alternatives?
Mohamed Elfayoumy's user avatar
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How to find the pool balance at the end of the epoch

I was trying to read pool balance from the end of the epoch and couldn't found any answer yet. My intention is to calculate the APY of given pool public key. I was trying with @solana/web3.js and @...
Kaveen Laksitha's user avatar
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Looking for API services with high throughput for token price and market data

In my project, I use the DexScreener API to fetch and display token information to users, such as price, liquidity, market capitalization, and price changes over different time intervals. DexScreener ...
Andrew Swift's user avatar
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Does spl-stake-pool support Token-2022 standard? I want my xsol or ysol to be of Token-2022 standard, Is it possible?

As in the title when i stake my sol to the stake-pool, The token that i get in return should be of Token-2022 standard. Is it possible? I don't have much idea of the spl-token pool.
Abhishek Faliya's user avatar
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Clarification on Token Access Post-Liquidity Lock in a Pool

I am examining the transactions associated with a new token on the Solana network and have come across an ambiguity. The creator of this Token initially minted 10 million units and then added this ...
Data Coders's user avatar
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Error: The amm account owner is not match with this program" error

Anyone can help, I am getting Program logged: "Error: The amm account owner is not match with this program" error,. Program returned error: "custom program error: 0x1b" I created ...
degen dan's user avatar
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How can I mint more tokens for my meme coin?

I launched a meme coin today, And I burned entire LP & also sold all my tokens from my dev wallet (Its Empty now). This meme coin did not go well & is already dead, But their is still money ...
Balkarn's user avatar
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