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Spl Tokens deployed with Token 2022 program giving error during ATA creation with Solana/Web3.js

When i try to use methods like createAssociatedTokenAccount, getAssociatedTokenAddress i get error as "incorrect program id for instruction". The token address used her was my spl tokens ...
LaughingElephant's user avatar
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1 answer

error while executing create token account instruction

const sleeperAccountInstruction = await program.methods .createNewSleeper("test") .accountsPartial({ payer: account, mint: mintPDA, sleeperAccount: sleeperPDA, ...
Hiderr Kamado's user avatar
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Is their any API to fetch tranding meme tokens of solana?

I want to fetch all the meme tokens listed on solana network sorted according to the top tranding token first.
Alpha Algorithm's user avatar
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When I try to add metadata to my spl token on my Mainnet coin

For some reason when I try adding metadata to my spl token it never works, I’m using the program id TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb and when I try to add metadata using my mint address it ...
Destel's user avatar
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use anchor_lang::prelude::*; use anchor_spl::token::{Mint, Token, TokenAccount, Transfer}; declare_id!("5L3ky71YgB1rRMbJMxw9iH2vw9A59wZ2krWW7vdwfn61"); #[program] pub mod hodl_token_lock { ...
tushar mahajan's user avatar
2 votes
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Transfer specific token to and from a known account

Given that I have the following program use anchor_lang::prelude::*; use anchor_spl::token::{self, Mint, Token, TokenAccount, Transfer as SplTransfer}; declare_id!("...
mstelz's user avatar
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SNS - Retrieve all Domains+Subdomains of an User

The following code is used to retrieve all Sub-Domains of a Public-Key. const getAllSNSProgramAccounts = async () => { const accounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts(new PublicKey('...
Eduardo Chongkan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why do we close WSOL Token Program accounts?

Background: If I understand correctly: During transactions where we transfer SOL to/from wallets, we need to wrap the SOL in a temporarily created WSOL Token Program account. Then use that to transfer ...
Joe's user avatar
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Fund associated token account

I am trying to swap SOL to USDC on the devnet. I get this error "Input token account empty". I know that this means that the associated token accounts A and B have to have some funds. I am ...
tomiella's user avatar
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Fetch trending solana tokens without 3rd party API

GM Buildooors! What's the optimal approach to fetching on-chain data about trending SPL tokens like we have on platforms like Dextools, Birdeye, Step Finance etc.? Preferably without the help of 3rd ...
Abdullah Aftab's user avatar
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Minting a Fungible SPL token to same ATA (more than 1 time) always fails

I'm pretty new solana ecosystem and have been following multiple tutorials on minting Fungible SPL tokens. On all the tutorials, you create a Mint and ATA and the then the first time the mint ...
newbreedofgeek's user avatar
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How to fetch all information about spl token with token address in anchor or in javascript

i want to fetch token information of spl token directly from the solana blockchain . Give some solution to fetch metadata , tokenomics data and security data of spl token . i want to fetch directly ...
muthu kumar's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

InterfaceAccount<'_, TokenAccount> fails to create Associated Token Account

I have basic instruction, all it does is create an ATA for a user (mint is already initialized), this is what my context looks like // use { crate::constants::*, crate::states::*, ...
Isaac Frank's user avatar
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Multiple ATAs for the same mint

I've created a Python script that creates a wallet and monitors all SPL transactions of this wallet. Using an example to illustrate the problem: The generated public key belongs to account A with ...
theb's user avatar
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Can you retrieve funds of an ATA owned by another ATA?

I created a USDC ATA and was accepting funds there. I closed the ATA and recouped the SOL. This means the ATA's owner became the System Program instead of the Token Program. Finally, someone sent ...
user7659's user avatar
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Best advice for fixing spl-token in production

After creating and minting an spl-token, I moved all assets to a new wallet and authorized mint for metadata changes, i assumed wrong. Then ran the close command on the original minting wallet. My ...
ReDNeQ's user avatar
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How can I fetch all the newly minted SPL tokens in real-time?

Can someone confirm whether all recently created SPL tokens originate from the same source protocol/contract, such as TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA? If not, could you please provide ...
Abdullah Aftab's user avatar
2 votes
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Making existing token immutable

How can I change an existing token I created from mutable to immutable? I want to change this on an SPL token would appreciate any help!
Tony's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to make an ATA in one instruction, then use that created ATA in the next instruction, in a single transaction?

This is similar to Can I Create an Account and Transfer Tokens in the same Transaction? but the 'answer' to that question doesn't actually show how to use the token account created in the first ...
mikemaccana's user avatar
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Sending USDC dev token not working until recepient wallet has >0 value of said token

I am trying to send usdc dev token using code to a wallet address but it kept on showing "Unable to simulate. Make sure you trust this website since approving can lead to loss of funds." And ...
Nooblantis District's user avatar
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Does one have to generate a special token address for USDT, USDC... when one generates a new address?

In my application I need to generate new addresses from time to time. I need them for SOL as well as for the stable coins on Solana. A new address will be assigned to a new user. Since Solana has ...
Camila326's user avatar
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SPL TOKEN recognized as NFT instead of a regular token

I created a spl-token using strata protocol and it is being recognized as NFT on my wallet, even on solscan it is not showing similar to any other token. I found that maybe i would need to pull a ...
loa's user avatar
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Explanation for two token accounts for one owner?

These two token accounts have the same mint and owner.
euler's user avatar
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Error: Signature verification failed with PDA when transferring SPL token

I have been figuring this one out for a few days. Appreciate the help. I want to be able to send the tokens from the PDA ATA to the user who is removing his vault.\ This is the error I am getting: ...
Syahmi Shaarani's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

TokenAccountNotFoundError when sending SPL tokens in React

When I try to send my SPL tokens I get this error: OrderRow.js:72 TokenAccountNotFoundError at unpackAccount (account.ts:170:1) at getAccount (account.ts:103:1) at async ...
Héctor's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is AssociatedToken Program not needed when using associated_token constraint in anchor?

I wrote a piece of code that uses associated_token::mint and associated_token::authority and I passed the Token Program but did not pass the Associated Token Program. Considering All Accounts must be ...
chinepun.sol's user avatar
2 votes
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Trying to send specific SPL Token but creates new token instead

I'm trying to send a SPL Token but when I execute the code below it creates an unknown token and sends it, It does not recognize the token address / programID. Where should I pass the token address? ...
korimusk's user avatar