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run across an verify interesting account on browser, how to the holder spend it?

Yes, The account you’re looking at is an off-curve Program Derived Address (PDA). PDAs are special accounts that don't have private keys and are instead generated programmatically using ...
kryp2wiz's user avatar
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Need help in importing wallets to my phone

I think the new wallet might not share the seed phrase as the old ones, so it's not showing up. Try exporting the private key and import it using this method.
Jimii's user avatar
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Efficient way to get Account age?

The code example that Bojan provided only gets you the age of the first transaction of the function call getSignaturesForAddress, which could be either the actual first transaction or the 1000th ...
moodzee's user avatar
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Error creating new account using mint

This works instead spl-token create-account mntZFtv8SvH6trqeSwvTGPVSXXXXXXXXX reserve.json --immutable
Dom's user avatar
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Error creating new account using mint

You might be trying to create the token account but the signer of the tx doesn't have funds to perform this operation. Can you airdrop some SOL to the signer of the transaction. solana airdrop 2
Jimii's user avatar
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Transfer SOL out of PDA owned wallet account

&system_instruction::create_account( initializer.key, pda_account.key, lamports, space as u64, ***program_id***, ...
Henry Adenuga's user avatar
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how to close an account

After going through the docs, there isn't an instruction to close the MarginfiAccount The withdraw instruction doesn't close the account ->
Jimii's user avatar
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My account has become a Token Account, how can I solve it?

Same happened with me, My account is also become a Token Account. and It's ownership shows someone else. please check details below : My wallet :
md rashedul islam's user avatar
2 votes

Can Other Programs Write to PDA Accounts even if the `Account` type is used and the ownership is checked?

Can other programs write to p1? No. Only the account owner has write permissions for Solana programs and can modify the data. If you have a write_data instruction in your program p1 without any signer/...
Jimii's user avatar
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How can i close wsol account

Since wrapped SOL is an SPL token account, you can retrieve the amount used to create it by closing the account. using the spl token CLI spl-token close --address <TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> ref: ...
Jimii's user avatar
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