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6 votes

How to make my custom "fungible" token appear with logo on Solflare?

You did everything correctly, Solflare doesn't show those tokens correctly yet but we have a fix that should be live tomorrow probably :)
Turshija's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I add metadata to a Realms DAO community token?

Creating and updating token metadata will be done by default through Realms in the future, relying on completion of this pull request.
Jacob Creech's user avatar
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3 votes

Why don't wallets auto-create an associated token account if one doesn't exist?

Phantom and Sollet are calling the assert-owner program by Serum before creating an ATA. This program is only deployed on mainnet. It is not available on testnet/devnet. This is why we can't send ...
itsfarseen's user avatar
2 votes

Why don't wallets auto-create an associated token account if one doesn't exist?

creating a token account costs sol, so if you want your transaction to create an account and pay for it you need to specify --allow-unfunded-recipient in your transaction.
Jonas H.'s user avatar
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2 votes

How to make my custom "fungible" token appear with logo on Solflare?

This might be one for Solflare support: They document that they support the NFT standard from metaplex: but ...
Callum M's user avatar
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2 votes

I want to better understand how to create tokens in typescript and how to create tokens in program(rust)

There are two paths you can take if your token mint belongs to token-22 program Using the @solana/spl-token to create the token and add metadata via metadata pointer extension in TS, guide -> ...
Jimii's user avatar
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2 votes

Get bonding curve process and Raydium launch

"Instead of monitoring every new pool on Raydium, focus only on this address: 39azUYFWPz3VHgKCf3VChUwbpURdCHRxjWVowf5jUJjg. Apply a filter on the 'initialize2' instruction. This contract manages ...
Ethan's user avatar
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1 vote

InvalidAccountData error on token transfer function ( using metaplex-toolbox )

If you look at the last failing instruction in your transaction, you'll notice that it's issuing a transfer from HCBDHVQTrfMVvQEQwowE6dFj6JqKM3U4aGeac1hukyYi to ...
Jon C's user avatar
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1 vote

use external json as metadata for fungible asset

The metaboss tool does not support that at the moment. Your best bet will be to send a PR to add the functionality, here's the repo: The -m only accepts a ...
Jon C's user avatar
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1 vote

What is `tokenStandard` in On-Chain Metadata?

2 is simply the encoded value for the TokenStandard enum in your token metadata. If we look at the code defining the enum at
Jon C's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I 'verify' my solana metaplex token?

There's no "verification process" right now of tokens. The banner displayed is there to warn the users that there can be duplicated token name/symbol/logo and to double check the mint ...
Jacob Creech's user avatar
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