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13 votes

Buying on Magiceden through coding

you'd just have to create a script that can create transactions with the correct instructions for the marketplace program for Magic Eden and then submit it to any node. Check out their API ...
Mocolicious's user avatar
5 votes

GET all collections of NFT, API, Magic eden

so you can make a function that requests the 500 and then adds them all to a list. you then add 500 to the offset of the request and keep repeating until the request returns empty. here's an example ...
Pixeled's user avatar
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5 votes

Buying on Magiceden through coding

You can use Magic Eden's API to accomplish this. Find their documentation here: I saw you mention you tried to use Magic Eden's api to accomplish this but you were ...
T.J. Littlejohn's user avatar
4 votes

MagicEden DutchAuction address

The program address is DA14CwvMNkbMggye6Fkvqa1cMxo2Rh3neLvo8ufWoyeL How did i find it? Most auctions on the UI are english ...
Arowana's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there anyway to get every single listed NFT (even better if not listed) of a Magic Eden collection?

Programmatically, what you can do is the following: Calculate the metadata PDA address from mintId. You can find many examples of how the calculation is done in the metaplex repositories. Under the ...
neft's user avatar
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3 votes

can i send identical transaction without api ME

Yes, every ME transaction needs to get signed by NTYeYJ1wr4bpM5xo6zx5En44SvJFAd35zTxxNoERYqd as you can see on solscan. That means that you need to retrieve a partially signed transaction from ME via ...
leanm's user avatar
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3 votes

How to retrieve a list of NFT items from a collection on Magic Eden with curl?

Ok, I've found it at Mainnet: The following curl command works: % curl --location -s '
kenorb's user avatar
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3 votes

Buying on Magiceden through coding

magiceden has a closed source fork of auction house. there are a few people who have reverse engineered some or all of it - but it is a spy vs spy game.
jrsfiend's user avatar
2 votes

Can I buy magicEden in code?

As Harry correctly stated: Magic Eden's onchain program requires a key that is gated by their API to sign, so no you cannot.
McBain's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I get magicEden's escrow program IDL?

You can extract the price by analyzing instruction data. In your example, you know from the logs that listing price is 9050000000. Using any decimal to hex converter, we can see that in hex this ...
Vladyslav Melnychenko's user avatar
1 vote

How to send versioned transaction from bytes

Here is the solution: raw_tx = VersionedTransaction.from_bytes(bytes(data)) signature = wallet.sign_message(to_bytes_versioned(raw_tx.message)) signed_tx = VersionedTransaction.populate(raw_tx.message,...
RiadZX's user avatar
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1 vote

How to create, sign and send transaction to Magiceden program

I have taken a quick glance at my ME API integration code from last year and this was the process for the buy-now endpoint which worked at the time (and I believe still works to this day): const ...
Josip Volarević's user avatar
1 vote

How are MagicEden's Collection Bids derived?

Someone reached out to me about this question so I figured I'd post the answer here if anyone else comes across this in the future and is interested. To understand what's going on here we need to ...
8bithero's user avatar
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1 vote

Why does magic eden buy_now instruction #3 fail

The extra fee might relate to sellerReferral/buyerReferral. It's normal.
Kha Man's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there anyway to get every single listed NFT (even better if not listed) of a Magic Eden collection?

The metadata is on the URI json file of each. You can Snapshot holders or mints and then decode mint (use the --full option to get the NFT metadata for each)that will give you the metadata for each ...
OneFishTaco's user avatar
1 vote

Magic Eden API instructions/buy_now

Here is the documentation: First you need to make sure you have an API key as the buy now request requires a bearer token. Then our ...
Bryon M's user avatar
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1 vote

GET all collections of NFT, API, Magic eden

Did you looked at this API: I didn't use it yet, but it looks like a good option.
Andres's user avatar
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