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Transaction sent with txid in log but no swap happened on Jupiter

Your transaction has an invalid signature for Ekxy9gmXZ17rpEfdg2s5GtpSrmQrAtmDUWoQw8o4Xg4j: Explorer link The reason the simulate in Explorer shows success is because it doesn't validate the ...
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Python API to get spl token details given token solscan address

Yes its quite easy. The solscan address is irrelevant. Sign up for a free account at and get an api key Your script should send a request to the RPC URL given to you import ...
HoodRat's user avatar
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Transaction sent with txid in log but no swap happened on Jupiter

Double check your RPC. Are you on mainnet? You can also double check your calls with the Jup API docs If you want to provide the Transaction ID, I can have a look what happened. You ...
Metasal's user avatar
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Python client for YellowStone Geyser Plugin (gRPC)

I received the same response where I would just get pings back. However if I just let it run, sometimes for over an hour I would eventually get the response I was expecting. It has taken anywhere ...
block101's user avatar

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