Offline transactions
The transaction is not known to the network until it's broadcasted to the network. So, the sequence of the signature signing is irrelevant. What matters is when the transaction was broadcasted.
If an ...
Solana CLI verify-offchain-signature not compatible with message signing implementations?
A Solana off-chain message consists of more than just the message bytes, ie "message" in your example. This is to avoid creating a situation where an attacker gets a victim to sign an off-...
Correct usage of "spl-token transfer" with offline signing
This is a bug with the spl-token CLI.
There's always a weird intersection in the features of "offline signing" and "nonce signing". It's often assumed that they're being used ...
How to sign a TX offline by Solana SDK? And then send it afterwards
You'll definitely need to use nonce accounts to sign and eventually send these transactions.
If you want to send these all at once, you'll need to create 100 nonce accounts, sign each transaction with ...
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offline-tx × 6transactions × 2
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