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2 votes

How does Solana chain analyze the pool size?

To calculate the Total Value Locked (TVL) or pool size on platforms like Raydium or Orca, you can check the token balances in their respective liquidity pool accounts. However, the Solana chain itself ...
kryp2wiz's user avatar
1 vote

Missing authorization rules account

updateAsUpdateAuthorityV2 method doesn't contain an updateAuthority field. The correct field you are looking for is newUpdateAuthority // -- snip updateAsUpdateAuthorityV2(umi, { mint: ...
Jimii's user avatar
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Running anchor build gives error in solana program

At first, you need to extract the contents of the file which you downloaded. tar -xjf platform-tools-osx-aarch64.tar.bz2 Once extracted, move the contents to a convenient location, such as /usr/local/...
pizzza1bit's user avatar

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