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Solana: `initializeUserMint` Function Fails with '_bn' Error Despite Matching Program ID
It's tough to tell without more info, but likely one of the PublicKeys passed into your function is invalid -- the _bn field is stored directly on the PublicKey at
Solana: `initializeUserMint` Function Fails with '_bn' Error Despite Matching Program ID
The error likely occurs due to incorrect initialization of the BN object for supply; ensure supply is a valid numeric value and passed as new BN(Number(supply)).
trying to fetch all tokens which are created by walletAddress
The reason this doesn't work is because getAssetsByCreator only works for NFTs. Helius does support fungible tokens for some methods, but not this one. From their docs: "Fungible token support is ...
how to get list of tokens(not NFTs) that are created by solana user
The getParsedTokenAccountsByOwner method will fetch the owner's token accounts.
Alternatively, you could use the getAssetsByCreator method offered by the DAS API and filter using the interface field ...
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