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How does non-custodial NFT staking work?

Those non-custodial NFT staking solution must use the freeze_delegated_account instruction from the metaplex token metadata program.
Arowana's user avatar
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How to import METADATA_PROGRAM_ID. (Buildspace Solana Staking Anchor course)

You can install @metaplex-foundation/mpl-token-metadata from here and import it like import { PROGRAM_ID as METADATA_PROGRAM_ID } from "@metaplex-foundation/mpl-token-metadata" Else you can ...
Swaroop Maddu's user avatar
3 votes

Getting solana staking rewards for wallet

If you can find the instruction that delegated the stake account, and you never merged other stakes into it, you can simply take the difference in the balance at delegation and now.
Jon C's user avatar
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Unable to execute delegate transaction on testnet

custom program error: 0xc corresponds to StakeError::InsufficientDelegation. On testnet, there is now an enforced 1 SOL minimum delegation, so you'll need more SOL in the account in order to delegate ...
Jon C's user avatar
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Getting staking rewards by stake public key

That's the right approach, you may be using the call incorrectly. Try doing: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ' { "jsonrpc&...
Jon C's user avatar
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Job allocation to validators

Validators currently have two jobs: Block production (leading), which only one validator does for four slots at a time (~1.6 seconds). Every epoch, the network creates a leader schedule based on a ...
terorie's user avatar
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What does it mean Lamport?

A Lamport is the smallest unit of currency within Solana. 1 SOL = 1 billion Lamports
Jimii's user avatar
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spl-stake-pool create-pool: RPC response error -32002

This is a bit annoying, but it looks like the program deployed to devnet and testnet is out-of-date, so you'll need to use an older version of the CLI to properly initialize your pool. Please try ...
Jon C's user avatar
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How to write factory pattern staking pool solana program

The SPL stake pool does not have configuration knobs per user, opting instead to use a fungible token to represent fractional ownership in the pool. If you need more configuration than that, you'll ...
Jon C's user avatar
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Improve performance of getParsedProgramAccounts for StakeAccount

The call is trying to filter through all stake accounts, which is on the order of 1 million accounts. Unfortunately, this will take a long time no matter what using the standard RPC node. If you want ...
Jon C's user avatar
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2 votes

Freezing SPL Token accounts Via JS SDK

If the mint's freeze_authority is set to None then account freezing is permanently disabled. Otherwise, you can use the SetAuthority instruction to change a Mint's freeze_authority https://spl.solana....
C.OG's user avatar
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Staking reward split between staker and validator

As a staker you do not have anything to do, the runtime will split the rewards between the validators and your delegated staking account. The runtime reads the validator commission % and split rewards ...
Arowana's user avatar
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Solana wallet adapter '{ children: Element[]; }'?

After doing some research, it seems it is a error in react as @kafinsalim stated, I dont know if this is a good workaround but to solve the issue and create a build while keeping everything working ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Getting staking accounts of wallet

dataSize here seems redundant. And for offset you should use 12 Result: const accounts = await connection.getParsedProgramAccounts( STAKE_PROGRAM_ID, { filters: [ { ...
Vegan Cat's user avatar
2 votes

Identifying stake and unstake transactions for a given stake account

You've got the first part right! If you call getTransaction with the jsonParsed return option, the transaction type will tell you exactly what kind of transaction it is. For example, if you look at ...
Jon C's user avatar
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2 votes

How to calculate transaction fees collected by a validator

This will require a combination of things. find out the slots for which the validator was the leader using getLeaderSchedule ...
Jon C's user avatar
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2 votes

Using VersionedTransactions with staking

You can put in a PR with the implementations, but essentially you just need to change the inner function. For example, here's how you would do delegate with a versioned transaction: static delegate(...
Jon C's user avatar
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2 votes

Rewards after merge staking accounts

You will never lose rewards from merging stake accounts. If you use the getInflationReward endpoint on the resulting stake account, however, it won't merge the history of the two stake accounts. You ...
Jon C's user avatar
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2 votes

When staking SOL on-chain... questions about Stake Accounts

Staking rewards will be distributed (every epoch) by the provider you are staking too. So this all is correct and nothing to worry about. The fact that you are seeing transactions associated with your ...
nickfrosty's user avatar
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Unable to get inflation/staking rewards after Epoch 398

null response means there was no staking reward. I tried getInflationReward for an account I know has been staked and active during epoch 398 and I managed to get a response for epochs around 398 with ...
Serban's user avatar
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Solana inflation mechanism design

Good question! The answer is yes - inflation rate is relative to the current supply. This is why individual staking rates go up when the percentage of SOL staked goes down, and why rates go down when ...
Proph3t's user avatar
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Creating an SPL Staking Contract + Understanding Staking

The way i would think about staking a token is only via a smart contract that can save the lock time in a PDA, send rewards based on that and have the authority to lock and unlock token in the user ...
LEO's user avatar
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Why does the active stake plus the rent reserve not equal to the total balance? How to correctly calculate the total balance?

Anyone can have more SOL on a staking account by sending more SOL to the account. That SOL is not staked and doesn't earn staking rewards, and can be withdrawn with a withdraw-stake instruction.
sibabtcs's user avatar
2 votes

Who initiates the reward claim transaction to delegated stake accounts?

Historically all reward have been collected at epoch boundaries. This led to performance problems because this basically took multiple seconds every epoch:
Jonas H.'s user avatar
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Who owns the private key of delegated Staked Accounts?

By "most accounts", I'm assuming that you mean associated token accounts, which are program-derived addresses from the associated-token-account program. Stake accounts, on the other hand, ...
Jon C's user avatar
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2 votes

How to deserialize StakePool account data on a solana native program on chain?

This is saying you don't have the BorshDeserialize trait in scope/are using the wrong try_from_slice_unchecked. Unfortunately solana_program exports a bunch of borsh versions that all work with a ...
McBain's user avatar
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How can I find basics about staking system?

Here are a few resources that give different info on Staking on Solana: Staking and Inflation FAQ ( Staking on Solana ( Solana Staking 101 ( How to Stake SOL (...
AMilz's user avatar
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1 vote

When staking SOL on-chain... questions about Stake Accounts

If transaction is signed by GZctHpWXmsZC1YHACTGGcHhYxjdRqQvTpYkb9LMvxDib it's the distribution of MEV rewards from Jito. From: ...
Timoon's user avatar
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What are common practices for solana staking account address generation for wallet developers?

You have a few options, but yes, typically you just use new random keypairs for your stake accounts. When you want to fetch all of your stake accounts, you can use get_program_accounts with a memcmp ...
Jon C's user avatar
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1 vote

How to track the total SOL rewards? I see 4 reward types, but I'm not sure which to use

It depends on your definition of rewards, which is why there are 4 types. Transaction fees are also considered "block rewards" to the validator that produced the block, same as rent. If you ...
Jon C's user avatar
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