Error msg:

PS D:\solonacontracts\solana-counter> anchor build Failed to obtain package metadata: cargo metadata exited with an error: error: failed to load manifest for workspace member \?\D:\solonacontracts\solana-counter\programs*

Caused by: failed to read \?\D:\solonacontracts\solana-counter\programs*\Cargo.toml

Caused by: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. (os error 123)


3 Answers 3


Check the contents of your Cargo.toml file. It seems there is a typo in there. There is some program* in there where it should be program.


Seems this issue arises because you are using windows. I suggest running on a WSL or linux machine. You can check here


See my answer here for Windows troubleshooting of Anchor.

In a nutshell, your HOME directory isn't set in a PowerShell terminal - which VS Code uses by default on Windows.

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