This is that command; spl-token --program-id TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCX(censored) create-token --transfer-fee 300 300000 --decimals 10 --enable-metadata --enable-group --metadata-address TWZ2Knp2sctRH3yXrsP2SNvaPfFzUcz(censored)
question 1) the phantom wallet account says it's solana address is, 14fbryUnN5Px4GGg1MMgTKawpyvBXUzk4p8(censored) these address dont match but, yet when I put in the seedphrase on the recover command for the 14fb address it says I'm recovering the TWZ2k address so I guess they are the same?? under the meta address mint option do I use the one I copy and paste from the wallet or the one I get from that CLI recovery confirmation?
question 2) Is there any other token 2022 extensions I can add? Since I'm using real money now to mint this, I wanna make sure I include important ones for the sake of governance, part of this tokens economy is the ability to change aspects through voting etc. I'm assuming I can change transfer fees later. As well as whatever attributes I add through "extensions"
question 3) what's the best way to change the meta data? Since I enabled the metadata ooption in CLI can I just POINT to a uri on akord that holds my json file? cause I made my json file fancy like the old ones in the github(archive) with tags, descriptions, website links etc.