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Questions tagged [anchor-client]

18 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How can I decode the data for an event emitted by an inner instruction?

For this transaction for example - how can I decode the data in the buy function? I have the IDL. I've tried creating a struct and converting the data to an Uint8 Array and then decoding but I'm ...
eth_developer's user avatar
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How to create an instruction from an anchor program with rust client?

Hi I have a simple contract testing slots pasted below. I have a question is there a way I can create an instruction for check_slot that passes in the 2 arguments? I read that anchor-client in rust ...
solfan123's user avatar
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error while executing create token account instruction

const sleeperAccountInstruction = await program.methods .createNewSleeper("test") .accountsPartial({ payer: account, mint: mintPDA, sleeperAccount: sleeperPDA, ...
Hiderr Kamado's user avatar
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Property 'accountName' does not exist on type 'AccountNamespace<ProgramName>'.ts(2339)

Trying to fetch data from an on-chain account using Anchor and getting the error Property 'accountName' does not exist on type 'AccountNamespace<ProgramName>'.ts(2339) fetch method const ...
Jimii's user avatar
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How to send a solana/web3.js transaction to a anchor program?

I want to send a transaction to a anchor program, I have found the function discriminator const dis = [125,112,23,1,23,45,24,12] I have checked ,that this is the right function, Now i want pass a vec&...
Abhishek Faliya's user avatar
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How do I resolve the anchor build error: Failed to obtain package metadata

I created a project with the command: anchor init solanasc and I receive this error when I run anchor build ERROR cargo_build_sbf] Failed to obtain package metadata: `cargo metadata` exited with an ...
DreadedHippy's user avatar
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When using Event listener the rpc call to program function does nothing and eventualy time limit will exceed and test fails

This block of code is giving the trouble.. let listener = null; //@ts-ignore let [event, slot] = await new Promise((resolve, _reject) => { listener = program.addEventListener(&...
Lobo1897's user avatar
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Calling anchor function in the background

How do I call a anchor function without having the end user approve/sign in their wallet? During development in my anchor project, I was able to create tests where I can call anchor functions without ...
ZeroNine's user avatar
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Created Todo: Error Message: A seeds constraint was violated

Anchor code #[derive(Accounts)] #[instruction(todo_index: u8)] // Added this to pass the index as an instruction argument pub struct CreateTodo<'info> { #[account(mut)] pub authority: ...
pranay raj's user avatar
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anchor verify 5nfdb6vRYEgh7i41jcv5eC4gMUA5stV2bUDJcbM9JzBQ --skip-build

Having issues with anchor verify anchor verify 5nfdb6vRYEgh7i41jcv5eC4gMUA5stV2bUDJcbM9JzBQ --skip-build Error: package section not provided Need your guys help let me know!! Important point I tried ...
Jahanzeb Hussain's user avatar
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Error while calling an instruction with PDA in client side code

I’m trying to send SOL to a “hold account” (which I’m thinking should be a PDA) and then only be able to claim it from the address that sent this SOL. I am getting an error as I’m trying to now call ...
juic3n's user avatar
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Error: expected environment variable `ANCHOR_WALLET` is not set

I had an error, seems like I'm missing something. Hope someone can help const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("devnet"), "confirmed"); const program = new anchor....
Hiderr Kamado's user avatar
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Could not able to run tests in anchor. Main error is anchor test command is not finding .ts file

The Error, I am receiving in the terminal after running the command 'anchor test' is : TypeError: Unknown file extension ".ts" for /home/ahmed/development/your-x/tests/your-x.ts My anchor....
Sardar Ahmed Khan's user avatar
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Error: Property 'all' does not exist on type 'ticket' account in Anchor program

I'm working on a Solana program using Anchor ("^0.30.1") and encountered an error while trying to fetch accounts with the all method. I want to retrieve all tickets for a specific lotteryId ...
Saakshi Raut's user avatar
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Facing issue with account creation with bubblegum, Error: Transaction <some signature> failed ({"err":{"InstructionError":[0,{"Custom":1}]}})

I am trying to create account using below method of bubblegum but getting strange error({"err":{"InstructionError":[0,{"Custom":1}]}}) as described here https://github....
blackhorse's user avatar
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Transaction failing while calling a Solana program with PDA

I'm calling a function of anchor_movie_review_program program on devnet CLA5Pk8tpcsA3RPmCYPaRNBdU6xBknRnqshsT1bKT7if. I cloned the following GitHub
kc.sol's user avatar
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Getting error when I'm going to mint NFT on testnet using Metaplex

Here is my mint contract use anchor_lang::prelude::*; use anchor_lang::solana_program::program::invoke; use anchor_spl::token::mint_to; use anchor_spl::token::{MintTo, Token}; use mpl_token_metadata::...
Isha Padalia's user avatar
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2 answers

createAccount with pda gives Error: signature verification failed

I am doing something similar to this issue.. here are the two ix: let tx = new anchor.web3.Transaction(); tx.add( anchor.web3.SystemProgram.createAccount({ fromPubkey: ...
Lobo1897's user avatar
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