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Questions tagged [sendandconfirmrawtransaction]

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solana sendRawTransaction sometimes fail, sometimes success

i got a problem when i broadcast the rawTransaction by the solana-api. it always return the txHash for me and it correct for the calculate first signature. but i can't found it on the explorer, and my ...
user25616's user avatar
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Is there anyway I can make my spl token transfer consistent despite the congestion just like phantom wallet?

I am trying to send spl tokens and make it consistent despite this congestion. I've been getting 2 successful transactions in 50 tries even though I am using a function from Jupiter that forcefully ...
Olaiwola Ayoola's user avatar
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Java script code to swap solana coin on Orca

I met issues with Solana trading bot development. I plan to exchange Solana coins using the Orca platform and are using the Whirlpool SDK. This is my current code. But this only works once out of 10 ...
Dev Borealis's user avatar
2 votes
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Why use getTransaction or getSignatureStatus for tx confirmation?

Why would I do polling with getTransaction or getSignatureStatus, when I can just use sendAndConfirm to check the tx status?
Burger Bob's user avatar
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How to ensure that a transaction is successful?

I am sending transactions using the Solana web3js library: sendRawTransaction confirmTransaction w/ "confirmed" commitment. Although, how would I check that the tx was actually successful?
Burger Bob's user avatar
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How to Sign a Transaction with Multiple Signers

I have a transaction that uses 2 signers(the user and the Keypair from the backend). It signs from the Backend and returns a serialized transaction for the user to sign. However, I am getting this ...
chinepun.sol's user avatar
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How to handle multiple transaction when transaction instruction is too long

I have to send multiple transaction at once but if I will add the transaction like... txn.add([ixn1, ixn2, ixn]); or txn.add(ixn1);txn.add(ixn2)... So, this will handle by the solana runtime right, ...
Aslam's user avatar
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createAccount with pda gives Error: signature verification failed

I am doing something similar to this issue.. here are the two ix: let tx = new anchor.web3.Transaction(); tx.add( anchor.web3.SystemProgram.createAccount({ fromPubkey: ...
Lobo1897's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to bypass wallet approval and use the keypair on backend?

OK, Im trying to make transactions on backend(Nodejs). I want to make transactions that are made on the backend and want to store there as well(This parts easy). I just want to make sure, Because I ...
Syed Murtaza Ali Shah's user avatar
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Using a confirmationStrategy to submit a serialized transaction [duplicate]

We are taking a signed and serialized transaction and trying to call sendAndConfirmRawTransaction with a confirmationStrategy. The issue I am running into is that the lastValidBlockHeight on the ...
Smixx's user avatar
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5 votes
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how to use sendAndConfirmRawTransaction with BlockheightBasedTransactionConfirmationStrategy, i need a demo

new function: /* Send and confirm a raw transaction If commitment option is not specified, defaults to 'max' commitment. @param {Connection} connection @param {Buffer} rawTransaction @param {...
ghost chen's user avatar