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Questions tagged [discriminator]

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Can Other Programs Write to PDA Accounts even if the `Account` type is used and the ownership is checked?

Question: Ownership and Write Permissions for PDA Accounts in Solana Programs I’ve been exploring how the #[account] macro in the Anchor framework interacts with the ownership model of PDA accounts, ...
castle_chain's user avatar
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how calculate the discriminator by the struct to resolve the command in the anchor project?

i got the discriminator by the command : anchor build. but i wonder how can i got this discriminator without the command. i search the source code and it use ${namespace}:${context} and hash-sha256. ...
user25616's user avatar
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How are SPL program discriminators determined

I assume that there is a naming scheme being used for the account state discriminators as seen here in the token metadata extension const SPL_DISCRIMINATOR: ArrayDiscriminator = ...
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