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Deployment Error on Solana Mainnet: Max Retries Exceeded [duplicate]

I've been successfully deploying my Anchor project on Solana's development and testnet environments. However, when attempting deployment on the mainnet, I consistently encounter the following error: &...
Blocky Man's user avatar
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Making a token on the mainnet; A few questions before I hit enter on the mint command(CLI)

This is that command; spl-token --program-id TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCX(censored) create-token --transfer-fee 300 300000 --decimals 10 --enable-metadata --enable-group --metadata-address ...
Keola's user avatar
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Why is mainnet-beta program deploy taking so much time?

Why is mainnet-beta program deploy taking so much time? It took 6 hours to complete 1.0% of the whole process I use solana-cli version: 1.18.3 anchor version: anchor-cli 0.29.0 solana cluster-version :...
Minato Tanaka's user avatar
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Mainnet node lags behind after migration to v1.16.17

We are running a solana node since around April 2023. It was running fine since that time except some minor issues. But it looks like since the migration to the v1.16.17 it’s very difficult to make it ...
Bastien Giegel's user avatar
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Deploy solana program on QuickNode?

I am noob! I deployed my program on mainnet-beta but it didn't work and got 403 error. I did some research and found out that I needed to run my program on RPC server and I was referred to Quicknode. ...
Lê Văn Thành's user avatar