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Questions tagged [native-programs]

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2 answers

Cannot Create an Associated Token Account

I'm not the first to ask a question about this problem, but none of the questions asked were answered. The problem is that I'm trying to create an associated token account to mint an NFT, but the ...
Michael's user avatar
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How to prevent signature replay when using Ed25519 Native Program

If I am using the Native Ed25519 Program to verify a message signature, I will need to add the pre instruction that will contain signature, message and public key to verify. In my custom program, I ...
Sanjay S B's user avatar
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PDA takes ~10s to upate even after tx is confirmed

I have been using anchor programs before , In those programs i could send multiple transactions back to back and the pda are reflected correct in every transactions. But since then i started creating ...
Abhishek Faliya's user avatar
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how to get an token account's Mint address on chain?

In my anchor program, I declare a uncheck account that will check by code inside instruction function /// CHECK: do check inside function. #[account(mut)] pub user_ata: UncheckedAccount&...
breeze wang's user avatar
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How to run test cases in typescript using native rust?

How can I run test cases in typescript using native rust not anchor.
hammad ali's user avatar
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How to generate a random number based on clock and recent blockhash?

i want to generate a random number in native rust on solana by using clock and recent blockhash. Right now I'm simply generating it by let clock = Clock::get()?; let random_number = (clock.slot % 100) ...
user22198's user avatar
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Transfering sol from pda to a hardcoded account pubkey

Can i transfer money from a program owned PDA to a hardcoded pubkey without AccountInfo of the receiver ? Or do I NEED to pass it from the client? let hardcoded_pubkey = Pubkey::from_str("----...
DumSolProgramer's user avatar
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Transfering money from a pda to a user wallet with native rust

Sorry for a noob question but im writing a solana program without anchor. And I'm having a problem with transfering sol from pda to a wallet in a program. pub fn process_instruction( program_id: &...
user21930's user avatar
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How to fix "instruction tries to borrow reference for an account which is already borrowed" error

I'm writing a native solana program and from this code fragment i'm getting error: "instruction tries to borrow reference for an account which is already borrowed" invoke_signed( &...
user21922's user avatar
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Account Serialization error in `spl-stake-pool`'s add-validator instruction

I'm trying to Add validator to my stake-pool through a program, When i try to do that i get this error i use version 2.0.0 of stake-pool and version 2.0.0 of solana I use this instruction in my ...
Abhishek Faliya's user avatar
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How to deserialize StakePool account data on a solana native program on chain?

let stake = try_from_slice_unchecked::<StakePool>(&; i have tried try_from, try_from_slice,unchecheked and with schema as well, but I get this same error, the ...
Abhishek Faliya's user avatar
5 votes
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Replicate Anchor remaining accounts in native

Anchor has the concept of remaining accounts, which allows me to pass in an array of unvalidated accounts of an arbitrary size. This is great if I need accounts for inner instructions and the number ...
Joey Meere's user avatar
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Is there any other way to store the merkle tree as global variables are not recommended in solana like static?

use { borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize}, merkletreers::{tree::MerkleTree, utils::hash_it}, solana_program::{entrypoint::ProgramResult, msg, program_error::ProgramError,}, }; #[...
Aditya's user avatar
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Here i am not able to access the tree in native rust. It shows symbol name is longer than 16 bytes

Here in processor in instruction pre_sale i want to use Tree struct from whitelist. but this error comes Error: ELF error: ELF error: Failed to parse ELF file: Section or symbol name .bss._ZN3ico12in ...
Aditya's user avatar
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I want to use tree struct in presale instructions. But it takes more memory than 16 bytes please suggest a way to access Tree Struct form white list

Whitelist :- use { borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize}, merkletreers::{tree::MerkleTree, utils::hash_it}, solana_program::{entrypoint::ProgramResult, msg, program_error::ProgramError}...
Aditya's user avatar
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How can i pass 4 arguments in entrypoint of solana_program. This function takes 4 arguments but 3 arguments were supplied

Not able to understand this error. function takes 4 arguments but 3 arguments were suppliedrustcClick for full compiler diagnostic, 19): Actual error occurred here, ...
Aditya's user avatar
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cannot move out of `whitelist_tree.merkle_tree` which is behind a shared reference

move occurs because whitelist_tree.merkle_tree has type MerkleTree, which does not implement the Copy trait :- use { super::WhitelistArgs, crate::instructions::{transfer_tokens, whitelist::...
Aditya's user avatar
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Error: ELF error: ELF error: Failed to parse ELF file: Section or symbol name `.bss._ZN3ico12in` is longer than `16` bytes

This error comes after adding the Tree Static variable :- use { borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize}, merkletreers::{tree::MerkleTree, utils::hash_it}, solana_program::{entrypoint::...
Aditya's user avatar
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How to do account white listing using merkle tree on solana native rust program? Is it really possible to do whitelist account using merkle on solana?

I did this code But have doubt that it will not work as desired:- use borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize}; use merkletreers::tree::MerkleTree; use merkletreers::utils::hash_it; use ...
Aditya's user avatar
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Failed to send transaction: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: incorrect program id for instruction

In the const sx = await sendAndConfirmTransaction i am getting error const { Connection, Keypair, SystemProgram, SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY, TransactionInstruction, ...
Aditya's user avatar
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WSOL Account Keypairs

I created a WSOL token account so I don't have to be creating temporary token accounts every time I want to make a transaction. Thing is, I created that account using Python and the function that does ...
lsrth's user avatar
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What is the compute cost for calling the native Ed25519 signature verification program?

I'm trying to measure the compute unit cost for my transaction which has 2 instructions: { ix0: native ed25519 sig verify (Ed25519SigVerify111111111111111111111111111) ix1: myprogram.foobar } but ...
Nick G's user avatar
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Can invoke_signed Be Used in Solana Native Programs to Handle SPL Tokens for Staking?

While reviewing the Solana codebase, I came across the invoke_signed function, which is commonly used for cross-program invocations. I'm particularly interested in understanding if it's possible to ...
Syed Ghazanfer Anwar's user avatar
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How reliable is the accounts: &[AccountInfo] array is?

I am trying to learn solana development[native solana] and when reading some example programs I saw they all use the "accounts: &[AccountInfo]" in order to figure out the accounts ...
Yali Haviv's user avatar
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How can I transfer SOL using programs and PDA's with native rust?

Hey I try to create a basic program which takes and manages sol for users. Something like the weth contract on ethereum. The program just needs to store the SOL and under some conditions users will be ...
Yali Haviv's user avatar
3 votes
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Where can I find ic_msg logs?

I’m writing a native program and I’m using the ic_msg macro with the solana_test_validator binary, but I can’t seem to find the log messages. Where do the ic_msg logs go? Do I need to configure ...
Kevin Ji's user avatar
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Why we need to pass all that accounts into functions in native solana?

I am go through the solana course and I am not understand that basics of writing solana native programs. Why do we need to pass to the functions some AccountInfo slice? Where this adressess should ...
Gilsson's user avatar
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What is the instruction_data struct for program ED25519?

I'm trying to deserialize the ED25519 program, but the struct I derived does not tally with the bytes in the instruction data (buffer)
Sewy's user avatar
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Can not send transaction from client

In my project, I'm using native Solana to create a contract. It is a basic program for users to enter their product info. I successfully built and deployed the contract but when I try to send a ...
brknarsy's user avatar
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native invoke_signed create_account pda: writable privilege escalated [closed]

i'm thinking the client can't create my pda state_account since only the program can sign for it, but i must be missing something. my native excerpt: let state_account = next_account_info(...
user3438's user avatar
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Is it safe to assume that the program_id passed via the solana runtime Entrypoint cannot be Forged

I am writing a program of which I cannot know the program ID ahead of time for several non-trivial reasons. I am curious whether or not it is safe to assume the safety of the program_id passed via the ...
Cyrial Kamda's user avatar
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Is the zk proof verifier program open source?

So i wanted to get an idea on how the equality and range proofs get verified by the native proof verifier program but I don’t see verifier codebase anywhere. Is it open source? If not when will it be?
Harsh Patel's user avatar
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'failed to select a version' error when running 'cargo test-bpf'

I am writing unit tests for a native rust program using solana-sdk, solana-program-test and assert_matches crates. After writing the tests, when I try to execute them using cargo test-bpf command, I ...
Shubham Singh's user avatar
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Do Native program adresses should also be passed into the transaction?

I have reached the maximum transaction size and looking for a way to reduce the number of 32bytes addresses involved. I see the proposal being accepted but not implemented
mehh's user avatar
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