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Questions tagged [walletadapter]

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WalletSendTransactionError: Unexpected error when sending transaction

I am creating a staking transaction in my backend, and I want to consume it in the frontend. I have previously created others (withdraw, claim, unstake), and they work correctly. However, I am unable ...
Igna's user avatar
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Latest implementation of wallet adapter

Can anyone please share latest implementation of Solana Wallet Adapter and contract call using front end?
M-SK's user avatar
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Wallet Adapter (Standard) doesn't work on the iOS device

When I click Connect button, it identifies the wallets on Windows, Mac and Android but shows an empty list on the iOS devices: Here's the code: import {ConnectionProvider, WalletProvider} from "@...
0xShuk's user avatar
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No matching export in "node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/ for import "TransportRaceCondition"

Getting this error when initializing a new React App with the Anza wallet Adapter Error ✘ [ERROR] No matching export in "node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@ledgerhq/errors/...
Jimii's user avatar
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spl token unable to send

import React, { FC, useCallback } from "react"; import { WalletNotConnectedError } from "@solana/wallet-adapter-base"; import { useConnection, useWallet } from "@solana/wallet-...
user21905776's user avatar
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So, many errors with trying to get connect wallet to work from /anza-xyz/wallet-adapter urgent help requested create-react-app

I tried using chatgpt and any other resource I could find, here are my Walletbutton.js script, app.js, and my AppWalletProvider.. I'm using create-react-app. //WalletButton.js import React, { ...
Keola's user avatar
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how do I use the anza-xyz/wallet-adapter with my create-react-app?

currently I have a css/react.js widget made in C:\Users\Keola\Desktop\MyToken-ICOWidget\Project\React-Widget\ico_widget which looks like this: (so far) I want to tie in the wallet adapter to the ...
Keola's user avatar
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React Frontend not working right with Anchor and localnet deployed Solana Program which passes Anchor Test

So I am mainly backend focused and new to Solana trying to become a full stack dev. I am very new to frontend development and have been facing some problems there. So I've been working on my first ...
Mark's user avatar
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Wallet Adapter Saga Mobile

I cannot get the Anza/Solana Wallet Adapter to work with Saga mobile with any wallets. When I try to sign a Message or Tx I get "Wallet Error: Unexpected Error". The provided demo does not ...
Trevor's user avatar
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walletAdapter documentation lacking/doesn't exist(yet?) [closed]

Wallet adapter is the typical entry point for any dApp, connect your wallet, and do some fun stuff. Yet, when looking for references of methods/classes, there is no longer existing documentation, this ...
soltoshi's user avatar
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How do I sign and send a versioned transaction using the wallet adapter

I have a versioned Transaction that I want to sign with my wallet and send. Trying to use signTransaction and sendTransaction are giving me the following errors app-index.js:32 ...
Jimii's user avatar
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Need Help Displaying Token and NFT Holdings in Solana Dapp Portfolio

I'm currently working on a Solana Dapp portfolio project where users can connect their wallets and view their token and NFT holdings. I am done making the wallet connection buttons and installing ...
M.amanullah behlim's user avatar
4 votes
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How to bring up the wallet multi adapter select screen manually in a react app

I've got a unity game that has a 'connect wallet' button within it. In my react app I am listening for that being clicked, and what I would like to do is then pop up the standard multi wallet connect ...
daoplays's user avatar
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Is there a disconnect method for custom wallet buttons?

Using the Wallet Adapter package to add a custom connect/disconnect button and having some issues finding a way to disconnect a wallet. Connecting works find with useWalletModal() but can't seem to ...
Joey Meere's user avatar
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how to wallet adapter still connect if i am change url

how to wallet adapter still connect if i am change url like "/" to "/dashboard"? what the best practice to save wallet connect.
Fatur Rahman's user avatar
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How to get Solana address from wallet adapter

I can get public key from wallet adapter, so how to convert it to address in Solana ?
Fatur Rahman's user avatar
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WalletMultiButton in react/typescript application does not seem to be functioning as a button

I have followed along with a few tutorials at this point, but I pulled code directly from the following website: After ...
Lexi's user avatar
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React Native build error when installing @solana/wallet-adapter "Module parse failed"

I recently installed the @solana packages in order to use the Solana Wallet Adapter but am now running into build errors. The packages I installed using npm are @solana/wallet-adapter-base ^0.9.16 @...
cerritosMonkey's user avatar
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Wallet throws WalletNotReadyError when on remote, but works fine locally

I am using the phantom-wallet-adapter in a Next.js app. It works fine and connects to my wallet when running the app locally. However, when running it remotely (for example, when connecting to the ...
Petru Cioinica's user avatar
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Is it possible to connect a wallet to a website through a script? [closed]

So I've been thinking about making a custom wallet through the command line. 2 questions came up in my mind. Is it possible to connect to a website through just the command line? Maybe through web ...
Pixeled's user avatar
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Solana-wallet-adapter is not working properly in react app

"@solana/wallet-adapter-base": "^0.9.5", "@solana/wallet-adapter-react": "0.15.9", "@solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui": "0.9.12", "@...
Raghib Islam's user avatar
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Webpack < 5 polyfill problem when using @solana/wallet-adapter on [email protected]

I am trying to use @solana/wallet-adapter based on However, I've got this error (2 images below). I've tried to install [email protected] and ...
Son Ha Nguyen's user avatar
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Solana wallet adapter '{ children: Element[]; }'?

I am using wallet adapter with gemworks' gemfarm site. Everything works correctly in development, but open building my is givng error of "'{ children: Element[]; }'". I read that it was an ...
Joshua's user avatar
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