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How can I read Solana historic transactions directly from Arweave?

To my knowledge that project is not being actively maintained
trent.sol's user avatar
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SPL Token Not Displaying on Solscan or Phantom Wallet

You have to upload the meta data and the image will appear. Before, you could have followed the tutorial of Network Chucks from Solana. In short, before, ...
AJSP's user avatar
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Configure metadata in building the token extension program

To upload metadata you can use the irys gateway in collaboration with umi plus the irys plugin const collectionImagePath = path.resolve(__dirname, "collection.png"); const buffer = await ...
Jimii's user avatar
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Cannot find module 'crypto' when using metaplex js sdk to upload metadata

please try this in config-override.js const webpack = require('webpack'); module.exports = function override(config) { const fallback = config.resolve.fallback || {}; Object.assign(fallback, {...
Fable Frog's user avatar
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Cannot find module 'crypto' when using metaplex js sdk to upload metadata

You could try adding this to your config.js: webpack: (config) => { config.resolve.fallback = { crypto: false } return config }, I had a similar problem recently with fs in next.js ...
Jonas H.'s user avatar
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How to mint audio NFT

Check out this post re: audio NFT metadata. I'd recommend you adhere to the standard if you are not already. How to make the json for an mp3 Metaplex programmable NFT Here's Phantom's documentation ...
AMilz's user avatar
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ARweave fails with HTTP 400 and "Nodes rejected the TX headers" error

There are other solutions available to upload data to arweave like you can use irys to upload data to arweave and you can use Arweave/Eth/Polygon etc for the fee. Plz check the currently available ...
Saif Ullah's user avatar
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ARweave fails with HTTP 400 and "Nodes rejected the TX headers" error

I have not used Arweave directly, but Metaplex abstracts it with their JS SDK and bundlr which is extremely easy to use and can be paid with SOL. It's called off of your metaplex instance like so: ...
AMilz's user avatar
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Arweave image urls broken for some collections with error GET request error `net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR`

I think I've found the likely cause. Since someone upvoted this question, I assume they might be having the same issue. Strangely, this seems it might be an issue with my service provider. I tried ...
8bithero's user avatar
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Is it possible to upload an image to ARWeave using the metaplex JS SDK?

Yes. Here's an example to upload and Mint an NFT using Metaplex JS SDK:
AMilz's user avatar
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Is it possible to upload an image to ARWeave using the metaplex JS SDK?

Yep, it'd be something like this using Metaplex's bundlrStorage plugin: import { bundlrStorage, keypairIdentity, Metaplex, toMetaplexFile } from "@metaplex-foundation/js" import { ...
Callum M's user avatar
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