New answers tagged keypair
How to generate vanity keypairs in typescript
To generate a vanity keypair in TypeScript, you can use a brute-force loop that repeatedly generates keypairs and checks if the public key matches the desired pattern.
import { Keypair } from '@solana/...
How To Uninstall Anchor?
You can remove target folder
rm -rf target/
After remove, rebuild
anchor build
Then it will generate new key
I think you don't need to reinstall anchor
How To Uninstall Anchor?
You can use the following to sync your keys;
anchor keys sync
But if you really want to uninstall Anchor, you should use AVM
avm uninstall 0.30.2
More details here
Anchor Lang Docs
How to generate a number of Solana addresses
for batch solana wallet generation you can use our well made script – Solana Keys Generator. This script can easy generate thousands of solana accounts and store them in .csv file (publicKey,...
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