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10 votes

What are the differences between Devnet, Testnet, and Mainnet?

Regarding the question if there are more networks available: Yes, there is also localhost which allows you to run a validator locally for dev purposes. Mainnet-beta: This is the production environment....
8bithero's user avatar
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9 votes

What are the penalties for validator being offline?

The validator misses out on block rewards and, along with their delegators, inflationary rewards for the duration of the downtime. If the downtime persists, they may lose delagators or be subjected ...
trent.sol's user avatar
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6 votes

429 Too Many Requests for url:

If you are hitting mainnet-beta you will get rate limited, so you need to configure your CLI or Application with an RPC endpoint... here's a list of RPC providers
OneFishTaco's user avatar
5 votes

What is the current blocker on the ExtendProgram feature in mainnet?

Hey according to the feature schedule it will be activated in 1.16 current cluster version you can find out like this: ...
Jonas H.'s user avatar
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5 votes

What are recommendations of things to do before publishing to mainnet?

Interesting question! Basically, the recommendations are the same as for releasing any high-quality software: test coverage, hand/auto tests on devnet and extensive code reviews. But also there are ...
Sergei Patrikeev's user avatar
5 votes

Deployment price

Devnet and mainnet have no differences in terms of program deployment costs. Devnet is intended to be functionally equivalent to mainnet, with the exception of airdrop.
HelmetFace's user avatar
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Where can historical transaction data be found?

It's not generally practical for an RPC node to store the full ledger history from genesis locally. Presently this is handled by so-called "warehouse nodes," run by the Solana Foundation, ...
trent.sol's user avatar
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5 votes

Faster method to retrieve pool keys [Raydium]

For a faster way to grab those pool keys on Raydium, especially if you're targeting Raydium pairs, the trick is to hit up the programAccounts directly. Then, just decode what you get with the layouts ...
Kelvin Adithya's user avatar
4 votes

How expensive is to run full node on Solana?

To run a voting validator (or a full node) on the Solana network, it requires around 3 SOL per epoch. To run a RPC only validator, it requires no SOL. Outside of that, there are server costs that ...
Lockpick's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it possible for an anchor smart contract to detect which network it is running on

The only way to know which network you're on is to through the different genesis hashes: Since you can't access that on-chain, you'll need to manage ...
Jon C's user avatar
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3 votes

Deploy regular solana (not anchor) on mainnet

You use cargo build-sbf or cargo build-bpf (depending on you used version) to build your program. That will build a .so file in your target/deploy directory. From there you can use the solana program ...
Buzzec's user avatar
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3 votes

429 Too Many Requests for url:

The following RPC servers are public goods: Those RPC servers are sponsored, and open for anybody to use. As such, they have very strict rate limits – ...
steveluscher's user avatar
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3 votes

Questions about Mainnet RPC and endpoints

Is it an official RPC node provided by Solana Foundation? Solana Labs. Yes. If yes then could it be trusted blindly or running own node is better than using this api? You're essentially asking if ...
22289d's user avatar
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3 votes

Faster method to retrieve pool keys [Raydium]

You could cache the pool keys in a nextjs app in the backend or in a database and add an api that only sends the keys you need. And then refresh the keys from the raydium json every hours or so ...
Jonas H.'s user avatar
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3 votes

Solana Playground - Mainnet-Beta

Check on the RPC URL you provided. You might be missing the API key. Please note that the default endpoint won't work Refresh the wallet pop-up to show your wallet's ...
Jimii's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a way for the contract to test what cluster (mainnet, devnet, testnet) it is on?

You might be able to pre-load an account with configuration data on each of the clusters which just has the name of the cluster in the account data field. Then your program can check that address to ...
Nate's user avatar
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2 votes

Is the Alchemy Solana API worth it?

The public Solana rpc node is not intended to be used for production dapps. You should use a dedicated or private node when going into production. The solana team have publicly stated this here: https:...
Meow's user avatar
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2 votes

Alchemy endpoint gives wrong wallet balance

Could it be, that you did your swap using another commitment level than the getBalance call? Usually you should go for at least "confirmed" instead of processed because then 66% of stake has ...
Jonas H.'s user avatar
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2 votes

Deploy solana program on QuickNode?

You're likely currently using the which is a publicly-available and free-of-charge RPC server that gives users a route to the Solana mainnet cluster network. This ...
Ademola's user avatar
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2 votes

How to Launch SPL Token on Solana Mainnet

The current method is to use Metaplex Token Metadata in order to add token information on-chain. You can learn more about it at
Jon C's user avatar
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2 votes

How to deploy on mainnet using anchor?

I solve this problem by add flag --with-compute-unit-price 1 (you can change 1 to any unit price you one, 1 = 1 microlamport). This flag will add priority fee for all your deployed tx. Just use the ...
Jade's user avatar
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2 votes

Unable to deploy program to mainnet using solana cli `1.17.31`

Looks like you are using a syscall that is not activated on mainnet yet. Blake3. You can see all used calls using: ~/.local/share/solana/install/active_release/bin/sdk/sbf/scripts/ solana_ibc....
Jonas H.'s user avatar
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2 votes

Why is it impossible to deploy a program to mainnet?

I'd recommend upgrading to the latest version of Solana with the retries and priority fee flags available. solana program deploy ./target/deploy/ --with-compute-unit-price 5000 --use-...
Winston Zhao's user avatar
1 vote

Mainnet node lags behind after migration to v1.16.17

There could be several reasons for this. v1.16.17 has been problematic for servers with lower memory, but this doesn't seem to apply to you. The 1st thing to do is to make sure you are following the ...
Serban's user avatar
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1 vote

Cant access mainnet-beta (403 forbidden)

Fetching all NFTs for an owner is a pretty intensive query. The public RPC you are using ( is not designed for very large or frequent queries (see constraints here)....
AMilz's user avatar
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1 vote

Custom program error 0xbbf, given account is owned by a different program than expected

After some time debugging and setting skipPreflight = true, I was able to detect the the account that was causing the issue. In my cargo.toml, I had a package that had the feature flag for devnet ...
Burger Bob's user avatar
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1 vote

trying to create a token on mainnet-beta. constantly getting this error

you have tried too many times and sent more requests than allowed, here you can find the limits: the simple answer is you should just wait, ...
lucarlig's user avatar
1 vote

on browser mainnet-beta rpc: Error: 403 Access forbidden, but works in python?

Firstly, rate limiting is very aggressive on mainnet-beta, so it's typically not a good idea to use it for production purposes. I even find it unusable for testing purposes. That being said, a 403 ...
cloudberry's user avatar
1 vote

Question relate to Re Deployment of onchain program

This might be an issue with the command you're using. To redeploy the program, you must run solana program deploy ./target/deploy/*.so --program-id ABxhuh61R8QsvQFCmqy.... You can read more from the ...
Jon C's user avatar
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1 vote

Can a chain reorg happen on Solana?

Certainly! This happens all the time as validators figure out the best fork to vote on. As a simple example, if you have 5 validators, A, B, C, D, and E: A produces block 1 on fork 0 B and C receive ...
Jon C's user avatar
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