Sign CPI as both a PDA and signer of TX
You do not need to explicitly pass the non-PDA signer into the signer_seeds array. It will be passed through from the caller automatically as long as is_signer is true in the corresponding AccountInfo ...
How do I configure a multi-sig as the update authority of a program?
Yes, definitely checkout Squads! It's an open-source multisig on Solana with amazing docs and is built by a really great team. If you follow the step-by-step guide linked below, you should be good.
In ...
Is there JS libraries for multisig/threshold sign on solana?
The coral-xyz/multisig program is meant to provide a generic multisig, including JS / TS support. You can find the program code at https://github.com/coral-xyz/multisig, note that it is unaudited, ...
Is there JS libraries for multisig/threshold sign on solana?
There is no generic MS/TS support on solana. SPL Token specifies its own M:N MS, which the @solana/spl-token package supports. Outside that, you'd need to focus the question on a specific MS/TS ...
Token-2022 extension enforcing immutable owner
Reassigning the owner of an ATA is antipattern -- many dapps just assume that a wallet's account for a token is the ATA, without checking that the owner is valid, so you could trick a dapp into using ...
Sign multiple transactions at once by initializing an AccountLoader account in the first transaction and using this initialized account in the 2nd tx
As you've noticed, sending two transactions at once that have some dependent state is extremely error-prone, since you can't guarantee the order in which the leader will process the transactions.
If ...
How can I make multisig DAO in anchor?
Take a look at the TribecaHQ programs, which are Anchor programs to perform DAO operations: https://github.com/TribecaHQ/tribeca
SPL Token 2022 multisig initialization & update
So apparently:
It can be a PDA, but it doesn’t need to be.
It’s just not possible. To achieve that, the best is to put a PDA as the authority and have the program sign with it once it has verified ...
How can I make multisig DAO in anchor?
I would consider getting inspiration about DAO development in the SPL DAO Governance program (under Solana program library, https://github.com/solana-labs/solana-program-library/blob/master/governance/...
Sign CPI as both a PDA and signer of TX
Here is a simple example using the CpiContext::new_with_signer to transfer some tokens from a token vault owned by this program. Inside the seeds I put in the values needed to create the PDA of the ...
spl-token 2.2.0 at solana 1.13.5 getting multisig error: Client(PresignerError(VerificationFailure))
downgrading to the last stable version of the cli works - v1.13.7 seems to work
A special private key that can be used to make a TX to a certain wallet ONLY
Your objectives are valid and you've correctly identified storing private keys on a server as a security risk.
A more appropriate solution might be to write a simple solana program (smart contract) ...
Error: unknown signer when trying to move SOL from multisig wallet from nodejs
I found out the issues, there is not way to send out SOL from a token account, so this multisig implementation don't support SOL, and someone did sent it some SOl...
Issue described here:
Invalid account data on multisig token transfer from nodejs
You're very close! The term owner is unfortunately overloaded in the context of SPL tokens, since owner can either mean:
the address that can sign for transfers from an account
more generally, the ...
How does solana handle multisig
Solana multisig can sort of be categorized into two buckets...
If an instruction requires multiple signers that may or may not be the same account, so long as the person or application ...
Error: Invalid account data for instruction
I ran into this problem. The issue for me was that you have to declare all accounts being accessed not only when you call "executeTransaction" but also those that will be used on the stored ...
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