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Creating a Custom Vanity Key / Wallet

When a Solana wallet is generated using a mnemonic, is has a set "derivation path". The reason the wallet you generated with the CLI is different in the CLI and in your web wallet is because ...
nickfrosty's user avatar
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How is a Solana wallet created behind the hood?

You've got it! Unlike EVM where the pubkey still gets hashed and cropped, a Solana keypair is nothing more than a normal ed25519 keypair. Using OpenSSH or any other tool/library that correctly ...
McBain's user avatar
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retrieving my seed phrase from id.json file

Do not share your array in id.json i.e private key with anyone. The array in id.json file represent the private key of your wallet. Goto phantom or any Solana wallet. Select add/connect wallet. ...
ashish250990's user avatar
3 votes

Why does solana uses only half of the private key to sign using ed25519?

Without getting too into the weeds, Ed25519 signing uses both the public key and the private key. The 64 bytes you see in the Keypair class of @solana/web3.js is actually the Ed25519 key-pair. The ...
Joe C's user avatar
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Deriving a public key from a private key programmatically

You can use tweetnacl to generate pubkey from the secret key. ... import * as nacl from 'tweetnacl'; import * as bs58 from 'bs58'; ... export function deriveSolAddressFromKey(key: string): string { ...
cowboy's user avatar
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How to get public and secret key from keypair Solders

It's in bytes and is correct, but my understanding is the keys are commonly Base58 encoded. You can do the following: import base58 # You'll need to install this def create_keypair(): kp = ...
Ron S.'s user avatar
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How do I create a keypair using a custom derivation path with Javascript?

Using Javascript This can be done with the ed25519-hd-key and tweetnacl libraries. Make sure you start the path with m/44'/501', as this is required for Solana addresses. Setup (run this in your ...
Raza's user avatar
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After deployment of a program can the program_id's private key be made public?

You'd never be able to re-use that keypair on-chain unless you deleted the program account entirely. The only thing I can think of at the moment is if there was some weird peripheral tool that needs ...
HelmetFace's user avatar
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Recover address wallet

Code Snippet Step 1: import lib: import { bs58 } from "@project-serum/anchor/dist/cjs/utils/bytes"; import { web3 } from "@project-serum/anchor"; Step 2: Call function: const ...
Abdullah Qureshi's user avatar
3 votes

How to generate address out of a seed phrase and a derivation path for Solana and some tokens?

Regarding keygen The solana-keygen CLI tool that comes with the Solana suite includes a recover instruction that does what you need. Typically, you'll do: $ solana-keygen recover -o key.json prompt:// ...
Jon C's user avatar
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2 votes

Import a Base58 private key into Solana cli

If you are using the Solana CLI, it is possible to pass a keypair in from stdin without writing it to a file first. This can be demonstrated using any keypair file and doing: $ cat my-keypair.json | ...
HelmetFace's user avatar
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Who owns the private key of delegated Staked Accounts?

By "most accounts", I'm assuming that you mean associated token accounts, which are program-derived addresses from the associated-token-account program. Stake accounts, on the other hand, ...
Jon C's user avatar
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Can I recover one of my wallets without having my private key or seed phrase?

If you've lost both the seed phrase and/or private key(s) then I'm afraid its gone for good.
Needleski's user avatar
2 votes

How to import a wallet keypair generated from CLI into a wallet provider like phantom?

Phantom only support Base58 private key format. Conversion from Uint8Array to Base58 is necessary. Here's a step-by-step guide with NodeJS: Install bs58 lib npm install bs58 Write the Conversion ...
Soona's user avatar
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How to get the public key of a private key with Rust?

To calculate the corresponding public key from a 32-byte private key in Rust, you won’t directly find this functionality in the solana-sdk crate. However, Solana uses Ed25519 for cryptographic signing,...
Mitch's user avatar
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how to decode privatekey into bs58 acceptable by wallets?

Most wallets expect the secret key to actually be the private key concatenated with the public key. Try this: fn main() { let keypair = Keypair::new(); let public_key = keypair.pubkey(); ...
McBain's user avatar
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Import a Base58 private key into Solana cli

Are you comfortable with command line, node, and npm? If so, the snippet below will output the file that you can use for Solana CLI. May sound like a lot, but I just went through this with a non-dev ...
OneFishTaco's user avatar
1 vote

How to get the public key of a private key with Rust?

If you look at the keypair module in solana-sdk, you'll find keypair_from_seed to do exactly what you want: With ...
Jon C's user avatar
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Solana Testnet Wallet Private Keys Length

All Private Keys are 64 bytes, and the first 32 are the Public-Key. You can use the KeyPair class as well. Here is some more info ...
Eduardo Chongkan's user avatar
1 vote

Need Help with Recovering SOL Sent to an Off-Curve Address

To answer your questions: Off-curve addresses are used for program-derived addresses, so they are actually usable and valid in Solana. For example, all associated-token-accounts are off-curve ...
Jon C's user avatar
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A special private key that can be used to make a TX to a certain wallet ONLY

Your objectives are valid and you've correctly identified storing private keys on a server as a security risk. A more appropriate solution might be to write a simple solana program (smart contract) ...
neft's user avatar
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How to: add my Anchor wallet to Phantom

Update June 2024: it looks like Phantom doesn't support the array-of-numbers format any more so you'll have to convert your array-of-numbers private key file to base58. npm i bs58 "@solana-...
mikemaccana's user avatar
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How to: add my Anchor wallet to Phantom

Phantom accetps the array as a Private key. Just copy the contents of the id.json and paste it in the import private key in Phantom.
Miguel's user avatar
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How to: add my Anchor wallet to Phantom

Found on the deep coffins of reddit: That id.json file on the Keypair Path indeed holds your private key. To export it, the following terminal commands suffices: cat <Keypair file path> # copy ...
CrossedCarpet's user avatar
1 vote

Import a Base58 private key into Solana cli

I wrote a small Python script that converts private key into byte array. It is fairly simple and it has come in handy many times. python3 -m pip install base58 If you are using python3, first ...
Concise Labs's user avatar
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I have different Solana balance and address with the same backup phrase imported to Phantom and TrustWallet

Trustwallet should use m/44'/501'/0' and phantom default I think is m/44'/501'/0'/0' So you might have to export your private key from phantom and add that to trustwallet or move your tokens
spaghetti's user avatar
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I have different Solana balance and address with the same backup phrase imported to Phantom and TrustWallet

If you're seeing different pubkeys for the same seed phrase, it means that Phantom and TrustWallet are using different derivation paths to get from the seed phrases to the private key. You can try ...
Jon C's user avatar
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What is the most secure way to store mass private keys?

If - for what reason ever - you need to store the users' private keys on your server, then you must include a secure transport from the user to your server in your considerations. The best option is ...
not2savvy's user avatar
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What is the most secure way to store mass private keys?

Storing private keys of other users is NOT ideal. I don't see the need for you to store the keys in a DB (on the server) if you are trying to build a product like a wallet. for example, Phantom stores ...
Concise Labs's user avatar
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Verify public and private key combination

Using solana-keygen cli tool you can verify by running this, solana-keygen verify <walletPublickey> path_to_wallet/keypair.json Yes, we sign a message with a private key and verify the ...
Concise Labs's user avatar
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