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10 votes

What are the differences between Devnet, Testnet, and Mainnet?

Regarding the question if there are more networks available: Yes, there is also localhost which allows you to run a validator locally for dev purposes. Mainnet-beta: This is the production environment....
8bithero's user avatar
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9 votes

How to get SOL for Solana Testnet?

When you're working locally, you need some SOL in order to send transactions. In non-mainnet environments you can receive SOL by airdropping it to your address With the CLI you can run the airdrop ...
C.OG's user avatar
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7 votes

Tesnet RPC node lags benhind syncing

My answer to your question is going to start out more general and then get into specifics. Let's start with what catchup is conceptually. When a Solana validator node joins any of the clusters and ...
Tim Garcia's user avatar
5 votes

How do we get test stablecoins on Solana like USDC or USDT?

All tokens on Solana that aren't native SOL are referred to as "SPL Tokens" and created using the Token Program (SPL stands for Solana Program Library). Stablecoins like USDC and USDT are ...
john's user avatar
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4 votes

How to get SOL for Solana Testnet?

for folks that don't have their CLI setup or just need devnet / testnet SOL at a moment's notice, has an airdrop interface that you can access from your browser!
jnwng's user avatar
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3 votes

How do we get test stablecoins on Solana like USDC or USDT?

Let's say you have a program that only accepts tokens like USDC or USDT. On the testnet, Circle has released USDC (
Varun Siva's user avatar
2 votes

How frequent are ledger resets on the public devnet and testnet clusters?

You should use devnet. Testnet is for testing changes to Solana itself, and runs a different version of Solana than main-net or devnet.
agrippa's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a way to get large amounts of SOL on Devnet/Testnet

Use a local validator for testing if you need these large sums. Also you're probably going to run serious activity which will be slow on either network and local validator will be faster.
Ohad Dahan's user avatar
2 votes

How to get SOL for Solana Testnet?

There is also this one now that should be maintained.
Ake's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I deploy a program to a remote test validator?

This one's actually trickier than it seems. Program deployment transactions are sent to the TPU port, and not the RPC port, so there's two things you need to do. Open up the TPU port, which may be ...
Jon C's user avatar
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2 votes

429 Too Many Requests error

The public RPC nodes are heavily rate limited and should not be used in production. There are many ...
Jonas H.'s user avatar
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How to start a validator in solana?

If you are on Linux/mac machine -> use this command to see if your port is already in use by any other process: lsof -nPi | grep <PORTNUM> you can then kill the process that is using the ...
Concise Labs's user avatar
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2 votes

Requesting airdrop of SOL on devnet or testnet throws error, rate limit is reached, even though I never reached the rate limit in the first place

Your Public Network IP address gets changed whenever you restart your WiFi router or switch to a different network. Since, most of the faucet/airdrop APIs are conditioned and developed in such a way ...
Dwarkesh Purohit's user avatar
1 vote

When setting up on testnet, "Error: airdrop request failed. This can happen when the rate limit is reached."

This has nothing with mainnet-beta SOL being in your wallet (I would discourage you from keeping mainnet SOL in your testing wallet). It means that you have been rate-limited and cannot request devnet ...
Jimii's user avatar
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Solana Testnet Wallet Private Keys Length

All Private Keys are 64 bytes, and the first 32 are the Public-Key. You can use the KeyPair class as well. Here is some more info ...
Eduardo Chongkan's user avatar
1 vote

Requesting airdrop of SOL on devnet or testnet throws error, rate limit is reached, even though I never reached the rate limit in the first place

Switching Wifi Routers fixed the issue for me, I have no idea why.
ALsJourney's user avatar
1 vote

How to deploy Solana private chain with at least 4 nodes for testing on single or multiple machines

It seems like you are trying to set up a local Solana cluster on your machine to send transactions and obtain the execution results. The instructions you followed are correct and should meet your ...
DeLawn MuskRat's user avatar
1 vote

Not getting staking rewards on Testnet

As far as I can tell, the validator your stake is delegated to has been inactive for 25 days: Delegate to a ...
Serban's user avatar
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Getting Testnet Tokens

solana airdrop 1 ADDRESS --url testnet finally worked out after waiting a couple of days.
Arcayne's user avatar
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Getting Testnet Tokens

there is a site to get faucets solfaucet You can simply go there and paste your wallet address and then you can have them. but sol airdrop limit is 1 for testnet 2 for devnet
Muhammad Usman's user avatar
1 vote

Return airdropped lamports on devnet and testnet?

If you want to return your used lamports you can send them back to the faucet. This is 9B5XszUGdMaxCZ7uSQhPzdks5ZQSmWxrmzCSvtJ6Ns6g on devnet.
Buzzec's user avatar
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1 vote

How do we get test stablecoins on Solana like USDC or USDT?

The instructions on how to get USDC are here: I tried the faucet before following those instructions and I never ...
Eduardo Chongkan's user avatar

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