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How to blacklist a wallet, if that´s posible?

I´m still researching and I just found this interesting article by Metamask SWEEPER BOT OR SCAVENING ARTICLE LINK related to my problem but still not the Answer What is a sweeper bot? Sweeper bots, or ...
ItoMunguia's user avatar
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How to blacklist a wallet, if that´s posible?

Most likely your seed phrase is leaked. I highly recommend to transfer all your funds out if any left and do not use this wallet ever again.
Metasal's user avatar
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Using solana program with traditional frontend-backend

There are a few features of Solana that work really nicely to enable this flow. Here's how I'd do it: When the user requests a transaction from the server, generate a random keypair and store the ...
Callum M's user avatar
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mint total supply and ensure no authorize transfer

If you have no freeze authority, once the tokens are distributed to the wallets, they're completely out of your hands, and you have no control over them to add vesting afterewards. Avoiding ...
Jon C's user avatar
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