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11 votes
5 answers

'blockstore error' when starting solana-test-validator on MacOS 13.0.1

I am trying to start solana-test-validator, but it closes unexpectedly with blockstore error. Error: failed to start validator: Failed to create ledger at test-ledger: blockstore error How can I fix ...
b3zrazli4n0's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

'please minimize large stack variables' error on building hello_world

I am trying to run hello_world example and I'm getting this error during building: $ cargo build-bpf Error: Function ZN112$LT$solana_program..instruction..InstructionError$u20$as$u20$...
klipakt's user avatar
  • 31
4 votes
1 answer

error: package `solana-program v1.18.1` cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.72.0 or newer [duplicate]

I tried setting up an Anchor project on my MacBook with an ARM processor, but I encountered an error. Here is step by step that i took % anchor init testproject Only x86_64 / Linux distributed in NPM ...
Quoc Le's user avatar
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2 answers

Calling one instruction after another results in Error: This account may not be used to pay transaction fees

I have two methods in my program, one to initialize a PDA and set some state variables the other to transfer SOL from one to another account pub fn initialize(ctx: Context<Initialize>, ...
mosmislit's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

solana-test-validator "Illegal instruction" mac M1

When I run solana-test-validator I get Job 1, 'solana-test-validator' terminated by signal SIGILL (Illegal instruction) Configuration: Mac m1 12.1 cargo 1.62.1 (a748cf5a3 2022-06-08) rustup 1.25.1 (...
vicyyn's user avatar
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Error minting token on Devnet

Noob here, in a bootcamp. Gettin stuck with this error. I have set configuration successfully to Devnet. But then things like requesting Airdrop from Devnet or spl-token create-token are giving me the ...
Lordshrrred's user avatar
0 votes
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Anchor tests failing

I just finished following along with Project 3, which includes actions and blinks to the peanut butter voting project. At the very end, we had to anchor clean and anchor test to have it clear its ...
Harsh Jha's user avatar