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Questions tagged [redeploy]

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2 votes
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Can I reclaim SOL from PDA after I accidently close the program?

I deployed solana program and used it. After that, I wanted to close that program and redeploy to another address. So I closed program. But I forgot to reclaim SOL from the PDA associated with the ...
toygr's user avatar
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Issues deploying to mainnet - on resume it just starts from 0% each time, never seems to progress

I have been trying to deploy a program to mainnet for several days now, on devnet it works fine and deploys in a few seconds, but on mainnet I just get: Error: Data writes to account failed: Custom ...
daoplays's user avatar
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Question relate to Re Deployment of onchain program

I guess Im new, and my question maybe related to that... I deployed a Smart Contract to mainnet-beta. I got a Program ID."ABxhuh61R8QsvQFCmqy******" I placed that program ID in the Anchor....
amirs's user avatar
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4 votes
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Metaplex candy machine rust program redeploy

I extract the file from the Metaplex candy machine folder. Created a new anchor project via anchor init, pasted the smart contract then I run anchor keys list and pasted the key in declare_id ...
Abdullah Qureshi's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Increase Deployed Program Account Allocation

I have deployed a program which got allocated 41216 bytes for the program account. I have changed this program, and would like to redeploy. However, the changed program is 46984 bytes. Error: ...
Sky020's user avatar
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2 answers

Why can't I close a Solana program, and redeploy to the same program id?

solana program close -u mainnet-beta <PROGRAMID> --recipient <RECIPIENT> ` ... anchor deploy Deploying workspace: Upgrade authority: {...
ethyi's user avatar
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is solana program (smart contract) immutable?

I confuse a bit about this. If I can deploy a program as many as I want to a specific account so program in Solana is mutable. It's unlike other blockchains like Ethereum when deployed contract its ...
Dũng Đàm's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What happens to existing programs and accounts when you push updates with anchor?

I'm trying to understand the best way to continuously deploy and update programs made by anchor. From what I understand, If I create a program with anchor I can deploy the code to the network and it'...
kyle's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to create a solana program that redeploys itself?

solana program deploy <PROGRAM_FILEPATH> Is it possible to code redeployment in the program so that it redeploys itself based on ...
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