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getting error when try to send the two transactions combined for swap to jupiter sdk

i'm trying to send a two seperate swap transaction as one through the help of versioned transactions to solana network and in return i'm getting the error below SendTransactionError: Transaction ...
Anwar's user avatar
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How to get all wallets (token accounts) holding a specific token (by mint address)

As the title states I would like to get all wallets that hold a particular token by providing the token's address. I believe in more accurate terms I would like to get all token accounts with a non-...
Kody F's user avatar
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token swaps on amm supported dexs on solana

i am a new to solana development just started exploring it yesterday before that i am doing development on etherum and other evm compatible chains from last 2 years. i have a question for people who ...
Anwar's user avatar
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What does it mean for a Solana program to not be associated with a ProgramData Address?

From the Solana docs on Program Accounts, when a new program is deployed, a Program Account and an associated Program Executable Data Account is created and the Program Account stores the address of ...
RotatingBlocks's user avatar
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Can I burn SPL Tokens that are sent from a user to a Solana Program?

I am trying to write a simple anchor program that will burn the SPL tokens that the user sends to my anchor program. I followed the guide below on QuickNode to build a new program that allows minting. ...
Robert Grospitch's user avatar
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Swap transection is successful and fee deducted but no swap happend

I am trying to build a node js app that take my solana wallet address which have SOL and USD-Coins and make swap. I want to convert USDC from my wallet to SOL or convert SOL to USD-Coins. the ...
umair mehmood's user avatar
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How would you go about cloning smart contracts?

I want to make a clone, how would I go about rewriting the smart contracts that uses, ie the token minting, bonding curve, adding and removing liquidity etc. How would I go about ...
Kelsey Wu's user avatar
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Solana program failing "An account required by the instruction is missing"

I wanted user to transfer some spl token to contract then i want do distribute it later, i have wrote one contract with help of GPT when I try to interact with that contract it throws error im not ...
master cartoon's user avatar
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Really slow solana rpc?

So I'm working with the "wormhole-ts-sdk", Wormhole's portal SDK, to bridge tokens between Solana and EVM chains, and my app needs this to work well. However, lately, I've been trying ...
germor197's user avatar
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Is their any API to fetch tranding meme tokens of solana?

I want to fetch all the meme tokens listed on solana network sorted according to the top tranding token first.
Alpha Algorithm's user avatar
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Why can solana explorer find my token, but solscan can't?

Here you can see it: And here you can't:
G Marangoni's user avatar
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Can you derive the program owner of a SPL token?

Is there any way to derive the program owner of a token locally without having to use the GetAccountInfo call for example. Such that if I input a token address, it will return whether it is apart of ...
sashavsthewrld's user avatar
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Error processing Instruction 0: custom program error: 0x26

----> TX ├─ Signatures[len=1] │ └─ 4UJPHEtrmksnNrX2DemwZHkyPDsYwtNgLvezzymzULjbuRB6QSEnFwig46rTD3j3kBUw1jFnaRRVi9FTUBG1UWiP ├─ Message │ ├─ Version: legacy │ ├─ RecentBlockhash: ...
Vigelante's user avatar
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Adding Set Authority Feature To SPL Token Creator

Recently our team completed a token launcher platform for EVM tokens, now we want to create a another platform for creating SPL tokens. I'm not very familiar with Solana, but I've found some starting ...
DeFiDevJimmy's user avatar
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when i am creating 'create-extra-metas' using cli i am getting 'invalid program argument' Error

../../target/debug/spl-transfer-hook create-extra-metas HooGStFZgkeZ5wCSg9vHtuEYBSotB26tVEvXra4PEKYJ MoxLrhGXAjVnEiVAjG5ycQbp9MVd4sjfj1yLPFVXhkh error: send transaction: error: send transaction: RPC ...
Mohammad Abuzar's user avatar
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How do I create customized Solana SPL or SPL 2022 contracts with these specific security functions

How do I create customized Solana SPL or SPL 2022 contracts with these specific security functions? ''The function I wanted in this contract is that only the developer's wallet can apply the token's ...
Mateus MK2's user avatar
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'Octal escape sequences are not allowed in strict mode' error when generating keypair

I started Solana and web 3 dev recently Have been having this issue for like 3 days, tried checking online for solutions and nothing. Please help anyone CODE import { Keypair } from "@solana/web3....
Isu Solomon's user avatar
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3 answers

Getting dapp could be malicious warning during phantom wallet transaction

Hi I have deployed my spl-token program to mainnet-beta recently, so its publicly available but from last two days I am getting warning "This dapp could be malicios" warning on phantom ...
blackhorse's user avatar
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Why do we close WSOL Token Program accounts?

Background: If I understand correctly: During transactions where we transfer SOL to/from wallets, we need to wrap the SOL in a temporarily created WSOL Token Program account. Then use that to transfer ...
Joe's user avatar
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expected a sequence of length 32 (got 43) error when using solana in Python

Solana community! I'm working on a Python script to filter transactions executed through the SPL Token Program. I aim to specifically identify and list new token creation transactions. However, I'm ...
David's user avatar
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How can I resolve this "Error processing Instruction 1: custom program error: 0x1004"

I'm running into the following error trying to work through the transfer hook docs. I am using Ubuntu on Windows WSL: I am running ...
Ayman's user avatar
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InvalidAccountData error on token transfer function ( using metaplex-toolbox )

I've created a dApp on React which uses the Solana blockchain to create, mint, and send utility tokens. I'm using @metaplex-foundation/umi and @mpl-toolbox to create the token, mint it to the creator'...
Sudhanshu Shekhar's user avatar
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solana pnft staking program

I'm trying to escrow the user NFT in the stake instructions bu using transferbuilder and using sign invoked with master edition nft as i assume it has the freeze authority on pnfts and getting this ...
amirhoseyn hz's user avatar
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How to use the key pair of the user connecting on my website to mint SPL token

I want to create a website for users to connect their wallets (phantom etc) to my website, then they can generate tokens into their wallets themselves. I looked at the example on https://spl.solana....
Dat Nguyen's user avatar
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SPL Token 2022 Transfer Fee

Is there a way to retrieve the token extension fee for SolToken2022? When we pass the Mint address, it returns the transfer fee. Edit: const fee = await getTransferFeeConfig(mint ); console.log(&...
Bobz's user avatar
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How to charge transaction fee in my token insteed of SOL if any one tranfer my XYZ token they pay in XYZ instead SOL, Ithey don't need to hold SOL

I'm seeking for help any body can help regarding spl, token, I'm working on app it has in app wallet, if some did dum task I'll provide my token as mining reward, so what I need that, when they ...
Crypto Centric's user avatar
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Error in getTokenAccountBalance (failed to get token account balance), when quickly buying/selling

I am attempting to sell tokens immediately after purchasing them (in few seconds), but I am encountering an error when trying to retrieve the balance/token account for the swap. I have used both ...
Mika Sens's user avatar
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How to listen to liquidity burns on the solana chain

Using the solana websocket url I'm listening to the solana blockchain logs and then filter those logs based on a certain criteria. async function main(connection, programAddress) { console.log("...
ccurves's user avatar
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Trying to deploy A solana SPL token With A Max Wallet

I have been searching for hours and hours and days but i cannot find a way to deploy a spl token with a max wallet for each user such as , a wallet can buy only 2% of the supply , not more , is there ...
Daily1 Motivation's user avatar
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How to get the price of an spl token relative to solana?

The thing is that I need to calculate the price of a tokan in sol or in usd. I would use one of the publicly available APIs, such as birdeye or jupiter, but they do not display the price of tokens ...
Skull's user avatar
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What SPL Token Program should I use, Token or Token2022?

I would like to create my own SPL token. However, I'm not sure which program is the best one to use since Token2022 is very new. Can you help me choose the best or right one?
Caroline's user avatar
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4 answers

how to decode data instructions with javascript

upd: here, my task is to decode this data using js I tried to solve the issue with this post How to get Solana ...
slntrx's user avatar
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How do I get real-time information about new created tokens on Solana?

So guys, I followed this question How do I get real-time information about newly created tokens on Solana?. I configured a helius hook that monitors the token program at the address ...
slntrx's user avatar
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5 questions from a newbie about token2022 [closed]

I created a token2022 with Spl token cli (windows) can i add a logo to this How should I technically proceed to add it to any exchange? Transaction History "Executable: No " " Current ...
Ali's user avatar
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Does token-2022 allow selling fees instead of a basic transfer fee?

I understand now that the token-2022 standard allows transfer fees but does this also allow a fee that only enforces itself when the coin is being sold just like on Ethereum.
lolswag's user avatar
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Confused about Tokens

I am very new to Solana and am going through the Bootcamp on SOLANA YT channel. Can someone explain me what are tokens? Why do we need tokens? What is Mint? How is SPL different from SOL?
rossexotic's user avatar
3 votes
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How to get Mint Address of of SPL token using associated token account? without rpc call

I can get an associated token account knowing the mint address and wallet address with spl_associated_token_account::get_associated_token_address function But is it possible to get a mint address, ...
Scott's user avatar
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Token Rewards Calculation and Distribution

I'm doing a script to calculate rewards for a handful of addresses (from sensors). The script runs weekly where it takes a bunch of addresses from our DB, cleans the data and calculates the associated ...
witwiki's user avatar
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How to set token tax fee?

In certain tokens on others blockchains, people who are selling/buying/transferring the tokens will be hit by a 10% or more penalty tax fee on the transactions set by token creator. Some of the ...
overdeveloping's user avatar
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Is there a Solana program that can facilitate the sale of an NFT to the highest bidder?

There is a use case where an NFT might be available in an auction where multiple bidders compete with SOL to win the NFT when the auction time expires. However, if an application is designed to trust ...
OCDev's user avatar
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Learning Programs Security in Solana

I'm looking at learning programs' security in solana. Was wondering if there was something equivalent to Ethernaut or Damn Vulnerable DeFi for Solana programs? Appreciate any help, cheers!
witwiki's user avatar
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Explanation for two token accounts for one owner?

These two token accounts have the same mint and owner.
euler's user avatar
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mint_to instruction is failing ,`Program logged: "Error: InvalidAccountData"`with this error

I'm using this code to mint let cpi_accounts = MintTo { mint:, to: ctx.accounts.ata.to_account_info(), authority: ctx.accounts....
Abhishek Faliya's user avatar
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How to fetch all Tokens that are present in a user's wallet with all the details like mint, amount and metadata of the mint?

I would like to get all the Token's that are present in the wallet address of a user with its balance, mint address, and the metadata of the Token. What's the Ideal way of doing it
Pratik.js's user avatar
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Converting IDL to TS

I have an IDL here and I am trying to convert a function, but it is giving me errors. I am trying to use it on the browser. Can you please help as this is urgent? Thanks. IDL: { "name":...
incog's user avatar
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Getting an error after adding solana to my project

I have been getting the following error after adding solana to my project. I have tried adding the @solana/spl-token package ($ yarn add @solana/spl-token) but that didn't work. Please help.
Muskaan Sharma's user avatar
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Which is correct token program address

I'm from ETH coming to SOL. But I noticed in this article, the smart contract address (token program address) is this way - But here the address starts with the word "Token&...
ratib90486's user avatar
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What is the difference between Transfer and TransferChecked instruction from the SPL Token Program?

I'm curious what the practical difference is between the Transfer and TransferChecked instructions, and when should we use one over the other. In this question, I'm using Transfer/TransferChecked as ...
beeman's user avatar
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