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Questions tagged [tps]

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2 answers

bench-tps Looping verifications

I setup a private chain cluster(one validator node and one rpc node). I want to run benchmark on other host, but I always get Looping verifications. Anyone know why? Did I miss something? bench-tps ...
user15512's user avatar
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Is there a throttle in place for account creations or can I create accounts at 50k tps?

Other networks have throttles, I noticed there is a minimum balance on Solana, so does that mean as long as I have enough SOL I can create accounts at a rate of 50k tps? @ripatel
Michael's user avatar
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Fetch TPS exclude validator votes

Greeting, Looking for a way to fetch real TPS over ajax call. Any suggestions please?
Avaulto's user avatar
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Does TPS metric include failed transactions in the calculation?

I'm new to Solana and I was reading about TPS metric. I got there are vote and non-vote transactions in it, but what about failed transactions? Let's say we have this slot: and the transaction ...
Mena's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why is TPS used to determine the Solana network health?

Why is Transactions Per Second (TPS) used as measure to indicate the Solana network performance? In my opinion TPS depends on traffic in general. If nearly nobody is using the chain, the TPS is low. ...
Omega's user avatar
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