New answers tagged node
Run rpc node connection timed out Unable to determine the validator's public IP address
Your startup script mixes testnet and mainnet info -- the --expected-genesis-hash is from testnet, but the entrypoints are for mainnet. Try to update your parameters to the following:
--entrypoint ...
Your own rpc node or a paid private node?
Running your own powerful RPC (Remote Procedure Call) node can be faster and more reliable for DeFi (Decentralized Finance) than using paid nodes since you have full control over it. However, it can ...
Your own rpc node or a paid private node?
these are good and relevant questions that are not specific to Solana but all Infrastructure.
Some questions to consider
Do you have the time to manage the server
Do you have the skills?
Are you ...
About Jito-solana validator as RPC Node
Hey there this link might help :
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