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beliveN's user avatar
  • Member for 1 year, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
10 votes

How can I use Token Extension / Token 2022 in an Anchor program?

5 votes

Need some guide or snippet, demo to transfer SPL token out from program's PDA account

3 votes

You cannot/should not initialize the payer account as a program account

3 votes

How can I check the amount of lamports sent to in an anchor function?

3 votes

Get the current epoch in Anchor

3 votes

How do you work with NFTs on Anchor?

2 votes

Can Transactions in the System Program Accommodate Arbitrary Signers Beyond Required Accounts?

2 votes

What standard of NFT to adopt when wanting to mint a set of nft to a collection and then mint NFT one by one to the collection

2 votes

`avm install 0.29.0` fails because of `ahash`

2 votes

Raydium AMM Program Instruction "custom program error: 0x16"

2 votes

How to freeze a Solana nfts with React?

2 votes

Send SPL token from PDA to ATA

2 votes

Why am I losing an unspecified amount of Sol when making a transaction?

2 votes

Tuple question - Typescript

1 vote

How to calculate size of Option<String> for Anchor accounts

1 vote

Token_2022 and mpl_token_metadata test issues

1 vote

How to make NFT with Solana?

1 vote

Failed Token Develop and Lose Money :)

1 vote

How can I check whether an account is holder of a given NFT or not in Anchor?

1 vote

Correct way to define and initialize a variable-length account in Anchor

1 vote

Mint Token as a PDA via SPL

1 vote

CPI ERROR - Error Code: InstructionFallbackNotFound

1 vote

ELF error when trying to deploy solana anchor program

1 vote


0 votes

Unable to create a PDA TokenAccount using anchor constraints

0 votes

Anchor Program unable to sign a transfer with a PDA

0 votes

Jito Bundles Doubt

0 votes

Access violation in stack frame 5 at address 0x200005fe8 of size 8

0 votes

How to correctly store pda bump

0 votes

What is this person doing?