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changed config from devnet to mainnet, how to I migrate my tokens so I see hem when checking spl-token accounts?(2 question btw)

(Question 1) before I did this; (so i could change metadata) I'd see my 80 mil tokens in the account made for the new minted token, now when I use spl-token accounts I just get spl-token accounts ...
Keola's user avatar
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Is it possible for an anchor smart contract to detect which network it is running on

I'm trying to avoid having to make code changes when I move from testing on localnet to devnet and then mainnet. One of my account constraints checks the mint for the associated token account, which ...
Davie Clark's user avatar
3 votes
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Custom program error 0xbbf, given account is owned by a different program than expected

I was developing without issue on devnet and then decided to deploy to mainnet. Suddenly the same instruction that used to work on devnet gave rise to the following on mainnet Error: failed to send ...
Burger Bob's user avatar
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Deployment price

I planning to launch my program on the mainnet. Do you know if I can expect the same deployment cost on the mainnet compared to the devnet? Thanks.
dawka's user avatar
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Is there a way for the contract to test what cluster (mainnet, devnet, testnet) it is on?

In my project, I have some code that is unable to run on testnet, so I want to just pass sample data there. I'm wondering if it's possible to detect the environment so that I do not have to run ...
web3man's user avatar
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Is the Alchemy Solana API worth it? [closed]

I'm getting ready to deploy my dApp to mainnet soon. This is going to be the first time I deploy on mainnet and I'm confused on wether I will need to pay to run a Solana node or something like that. ...
Dylan Molina's user avatar
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Where can historical transaction data be found? [duplicate]

Hey as the question states we need historical data to produce certain graphs by executing scripts based on historical data, apparently i was under the impression solana devnet and mainnet api serve ...
Nabeel Naveed's user avatar
5 votes
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What are the differences between Devnet, Testnet, and Mainnet?

In an idiomatic sense, what is the best way to understand the purpose of Devnet, Testnet, and Mainnet for someone completely new to the ecosystem? Which one is usually best for building and testing a ...
OCDev's user avatar
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