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Understanding uses of on-curve token accounts

I'm trying to understand the specific differences between token account creation methods, and the differing implementation details between apps. Specifically, why a token account in a transaction ...
Joey Meere's user avatar
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Is their any API to fetch tranding meme tokens of solana?

I want to fetch all the meme tokens listed on solana network sorted according to the top tranding token first.
Alpha Algorithm's user avatar
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how to decode data instructions with javascript

upd: here, my task is to decode this data using js I tried to solve the issue with this post How to get Solana ...
slntrx's user avatar
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How to update the Metadata for Tokenkeg, the original Solana token standard

Is it possible to update the token metadata for the Tokenkeg program? How to do it using Javascript?
Sal Samani's user avatar
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Following the Token Extension Program, How do I add a burn function to my token

I followed the youtube torutrial from the solana yt channel(, but they don't include how to add the burn function and when I go to the website they don't ...
Change Gold's user avatar
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How to calculate token prices from LP pairs using `getTokenAccountBalance`?

I want to reference this post: I am trying to achieve the same as OP of that post. I want to fetch the price of a token. One response (the one I referenced)...
Eric Goerens's user avatar
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How do I get real-time information about new created tokens on Solana?

So guys, I followed this question How do I get real-time information about newly created tokens on Solana?. I configured a helius hook that monitors the token program at the address ...
slntrx's user avatar
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"Program log: Instruction: GetAccountDataSize", "Program log: Error: IncorrectProgramId", "Program TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA

Based on reading [][1] It looks like the Token program does in fact have GetAccountDataSize so I ...
dirtyzero's user avatar
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Solana SPL token holder count

I'm trying to find an efficient way to get the total token holders of an SPL token. For ETH ERC-20 tokens I use Etherscan API, this returns me an integer of the total holders of the token address used ...
Timmy12321's user avatar
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Transfer Hook vulnerabilities

I can't tell how safe it is to arbitrarily support transfers on "transfer hook" enabled tokens via CPI from my program. At the moment i am setting is_signer and is_writable to false on all ...
Trevor's user avatar
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How can I fetch all the newly minted SPL tokens in real-time?

Can someone confirm whether all recently created SPL tokens originate from the same source protocol/contract, such as TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA? If not, could you please provide ...
Abdullah Aftab's user avatar
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where to get information about isSigner and isWritable from the transaction data?

in the package @solana/web3.js there is such type AccountMeta /** * Account metadata used to define instructions */ type AccountMeta = { /** An account's public key */ pubkey: PublicKey; ...
slntrx's user avatar
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Token Creation Issue on DevNet

I am trying to create a token after setting my wallet using the following command. solana-keygen grind --starts-with ott:1 The wallet creation is successful. I have also configured the connection to ...
Gokul Alex's user avatar
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Making existing token immutable

How can I change an existing token I created from mutable to immutable? I want to change this on an SPL token would appreciate any help!
Tony's user avatar
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Is it possible to send SPL token from a wallet to another wallet using laravel?

I want to try writing code to send SPL tokens from one wallet to another. I've tried it before using a JS framework, but now I want to try using Laravel. I managed to create a wallet connection, but ...
mb-1208's user avatar
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I am a new developer trying to learn and dive into the Solana ecosystem. I'm currently trying to complete this lab: I'm on step 2 of the lab, where you ...
kapforty's user avatar
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How to get Mint Address of of SPL token using associated token account? without rpc call

I can get an associated token account knowing the mint address and wallet address with spl_associated_token_account::get_associated_token_address function But is it possible to get a mint address, ...
Scott's user avatar
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how to work sniper bots [closed]

please explain me how sniper bots work in solana. i am interested in their logic of operation. how does it work? the bot finds a coin, but the trading pair may not appear immediately. What does the ...
john mlan's user avatar
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How to fetch the price of a token(off-chain) based on token name/symbol/address

I'm building a client that acts as a wallet portfolio application. I'm wondering if there's a way for me to fetch the price of a token, based on its name/symbol/address?
Mohd Rilwan's user avatar
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Is executing `SystemProgram.createAccount` and `Token. InitializeAccount` in different transactions considered safe?

Solana Docs for the Token program state that: It's important to note that the InitializeAccount instruction does not require the Solana account being initialized also be a signer. The ...
eRunner's user avatar
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signer privilege escalated when trying to transfer tokens out of a PDA owned escrow wallet

Here is the list of accounts I passed in (the ... is extra constraints and stuff I removed for readability) #[derive(Accounts)] pub struct SendTokens<'info> { #[account(mut, seeds = ...
coco's user avatar
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