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4 votes

ProgramNotRecognizedError: The provided program name [mplCandyGuard] is not recognized in the [devnet] cluster

Unfortunately I can not see in your code snippet how you initialise umi, but what you basically need to do to register the guard program is: umi.use(mplCandyMachine()) In my personal mint ui ...
Mark Sackerberg's user avatar
3 votes

What does `NotFullyLoaded` error mean in candyMachine

Since you have itemsAvailable: 50, you need to add 50 items (config lines) to the candy machine before you can mint. You might have to make multiple calls to addConfigLines() if all of them won't fix ...
Kartik Soneji's user avatar
2 votes

How to flag inefficient funds Spl-tokens candy machine v3 metaplex js

There are a few ways to do this. Generally, you'll need to find the associated token account (the user's account that hold's the token, which is derived from the user's wallet address and the mint ...
AMilz's user avatar
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Show USDC price of NFT in phantom wallet using Metaplex JS SDK Candy Machine V3

Based on the SPL-token mints I've seen on Candy Machine v3, I believe that Phantom has parsed the transaction data to show SPL Token Mint fees to users. Have you confirmed the Candy Machine works and ...
AMilz's user avatar
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Quick Node RPC For Minting

You can use a QuickNode RPC but for best performance and cheaper prices I suggest Helius or Shyft RPCs If it's a smaller mint you can even get by with a free RPC! Helius:
Josip Volarević's user avatar
2 votes

Quick Node RPC For Minting

Yes, a paid Quicknode RPC should be fine.
kwelliott's user avatar
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Is there a way to know how much SOL is required to mint an NFT collection with 'x' items using sugar candy machine?

The cost of minting on devnet and mainnet are exactly the same. Be aware that most of this cost is to store the nft data on chain so there is not really a way to get around it besides using different ...
Mark Sackerberg's user avatar
2 votes

Metaplex candy machine v3

Example taken from the docs import { fetchCandyMachine, fetchCandyGuard, } from '@metaplex-foundation/mpl-candy-machine' const candyMachine = ...
Jimii's user avatar
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How to setup Candy Machine that allows multiple users to mint NFTs from a collection?

First of all this quicknode SDK is slightly outdated and using a deprecated SDK. It does not allow you to create the latest Version of Candy Machine V3 (which is Account Version 2) and will therefore ...
Mark Sackerberg's user avatar
2 votes

How to mint more than 1 nft at a time with mintv2?

I don't think this is possible. You'll need to use a loop and make sure you aren't spamming the RPC and exceeding the set RPC rate limits. Alternatively, you can try putting multiple mint IXs in one ...
Jimii's user avatar
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How Candy Machine data is stored?

It differs a bit depending on which candy machine version you are talking about. This answer is for the latest version candy machine v3 (which is split into candy core and candy guards. The NFT data ...
Mark Sackerberg's user avatar
1 vote

How can I know the mint address of NFT of candy machine?

You can verify NFTs minted through your Candy Machine by checking their metadata's update authority or fetching all minted NFTs via the Candy Machine ID after minting, and then use this information in ...
pizzza1bit's user avatar
1 vote

Candy Machine - Error running command DataTypeMismatch

I encountered this error and resolved it by deleting the Sugar CLI and re-downloading it. Run which sugar to locate where the sugar CLI is installed. Delete the current Sugar CLI: sudo rm <path-...
Giftea's user avatar
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Solana NFT Collection using Metaplex Candy Machine v3 and sugar

As mentioned in discord you are using incompatible versions, correct. There are multiple options that you have that i mentioned before, too: Use the latest sugar version using on of the unofficial ...
Mark Sackerberg's user avatar
1 vote

Why do I get "panicked at 'Couldn't find Windows home drive key" error when running sugar guard show?

sugar detects that you are on windows and is looking for the HOMEDRIVE env variable, which is not set, or maybe doesn't have access to. It uses HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH env vars to get the path where ...
Serban's user avatar
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Get NFTs From a Collection in a wallet in js

Alchemy works like a charm. I have used it for couple of projects and it returns all the wallet NFTs in Solana. You can check here:
ashish250990's user avatar
1 vote

Get NFTs From a Collection in a wallet in js

Certainly, Metaplex works. Metaplex has a JavaScript SDK for interacting with the program. Read more on the JavaScript SDK here
Ellie's user avatar
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Mint from V3 candy machine using Umi. Throws Anchor error - account not insitialised

The solution was an extra parameter which is not mentioned in the documentation. .add( mintV2(umi, { candyMachine: candyMachine.publicKey, ...
Davie Clark's user avatar
1 vote

How to update items available count on candy machine UI after someone mints? Next app using umi

The presented code does refresh after mint occurs, the problem is with "" It shows the total amount inserted into the candyMachine. Use candyMachine....
Miles Donald's user avatar
1 vote

candyMachine.itemRemaining is BigNumber instead of number

You can try using Number(candyMachine.itemsRemaining) for the check in your frontend
john's user avatar
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Minting candy machine v3 umi getting incorrect account owner error using express js endpoint

hey I was also facing the same issue, check the below code const { createUmi } = require("@metaplex-foundation/umi-bundle-defaults"); const { mplCandyMachine, create, ...
ARYAN's user avatar
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Metaplex Candy Machine Mint - Error Code: NotFullyLoaded. Error Number: 6020. Error Message: Not all config lines were added to the candy machine

I think you have to add all the items available, in this case 5 items. You should use insertItems for add the items.
Glaicon Peixer's user avatar
1 vote

hidden vs config line setting in candy-machine

Config settings is a new feature in candy machine v3. Normally in config.json we used to keep all the long URLs and names and for minting 1000 items, they would take up a lot of space. this example ...
Yilmaz's user avatar
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how to add new nfts to a candy machine collection?

You can't create new nft's in the created candy machine, but you can either make a new candymachine and mint them out to the same Collection.
metadevca's user avatar

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