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Error: The declared program id does not match the actual program id
I solve with following command, it change my code of "declare_id!" section. I am not sure whether it's best practice.
anchor keys sync
How to infer or find basic types for return values in @solana/web3.js v2 library?
Exporting ‘result types’ from @solana/web3.js is impractical, because the RPC is fluid to the point where its result types change depending on the particular inputs to the calls themselves.
You can ...
How to infer or find basic types for return values in @solana/web3.js v2 library?
I think you probably want this type:
type BlockNotification = ReturnType<BlockNotificationsApi['blockNotifications']>;
In my IDE this looks like this:
type BlockNotification = {
readonly ...
Send custom routePlan to Juptier API /swap
The response is : circular are not allowed to POST or getQuote() on public Jupiter endpoint
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